Eatsmart scale...autocorrecting?

Coming from a cheap digital scale that would have fairly inconsistent results with a few seconds between tries, I was elated to purchase the Eatsmart scale, which has glowing reviews and admittedly great customer service. It passes the retry test with flying colors. Two years later it occurred to me to question it really that internally consistent, or is it programmed to (if it detects a similar weight reading to the previous) auto correct to the same weight? Talking a few seconds between tries, not any longer. On second or third tries, it always looks like the scale will begin centering around a number anywhere from .2 to 1 pound higher or lower, and then it will jump back to whatever the previous reading was. I guess the answer to this really doesn't matter as no scale is going to be 100 percent accurate, and it is still perfectly capable of showing trends, but I still feel dumb for having taken so long to question the main factor in my holding this scale in such high esteem.