38 femal looking for fitnesspal friends -motivation

Hi i started this program of loggin food back in June but lost intrest and now i'm not loosing weight anymore. Need to connect with people to motivate me ha ha
If u into loggin please give me a bust ...


  • Hi: You can add me as your fitness pal. I am 36 y.o., highly motivated and love to motivate other people.
  • joaniej75
    joaniej75 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm 38 and trying to get motivated myself--would love help
  • ReniaL
    ReniaL Posts: 86 Member
    Hello reniap I have just sent you an invitation. I am 39 year old crazy about all Jillian Michaels workouts. Happy for anyone to be my friend if you wish :)
  • spaceyplum
    spaceyplum Posts: 54 Member
    Hi reniap! I'm also 38 and looking for friends to keep me motivated as well! As soon as I figure out how to do it I'll send you a friend request... LOL!
  • Hello. I would like to be your fitnesspal friend. I did the same. Downloaded the app on my phone in june and just got back into it this wk and im hooked and i really think its working for me this time. Wish i would have been logging in to this b4 i went on vacation! I think i would have felt more comfy on the beach. I log in after each meal and snack. I will try to motivate and encourage you.check back after lunch. Cant wait! Im huuuungry! Peace.
  • I just started too. Add me as well :)
  • kaberget
    kaberget Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 38 as well. Still pretty motivated but have really been struggling to see any movement on the scale. I'm doing Body Pump 3 times a week, plus some other cardio a couple of days, so I just keep telling myself I'm getting stronger and smaller but just not seeing it on the scale. I'd love some more friends though to help keep each other on track!
  • Lovesthings
    Lovesthings Posts: 167 Member
    Im in... Friending all you girls :) lets do it!!!
  • Just turned 39 and like you need motivation as well. This is my third time on Fitness Pal and I struggle at times, but with support we can all do this. Sending you friend request soon. :)
  • ktc1968
    ktc1968 Posts: 24 Member
    can you please motivate me? I need all the help I can get
  • Hello reniap I have just sent you an invitation. I am 39 year old crazy about all Jillian Michaels workouts. Happy for anyone to be my friend if you wish :)

    Jillian Michael fan here! I will send you an invitation. I am right now on Phase 2 of her Body Revolution program.