
I’m pretty new here. I live with type 2 diabetes, am not overweight but I am out of shape. I have little core strength. I’m 61. I’m not trying to be buff but I would like to find some simple exercises that will have an effect on my blood sugars. I love walking but Walking just isn’t enough now. I have no interest in gym
Memberships or home gyms. I’ve wasted too much money on those in the distant past and with Covid I want to avoid. I’m staring down insulin and would like to hold it off if possible. I know. I’ve limited your suggestions but they really would be helpful. Thanks!


  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,071 Member
    Bodyweight exercises like this routine might help:
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    Calisthenics 'n cardio. Track progress in your V02 max.

    Regardless of what you pick, check in with your healthcare team about all of your actions and their impact. And, if your diabetes related meds comes with some kind of online education component, leverage it.
  • 1poundatax
    1poundatax Posts: 230 Member
    I am a 61 year old woman. I do Leslie Sansone videos on Youtube. I have definitely become more fit and stronger since starting them. I have muscles now. Some incorporate weights and resistance bands. When a friend of mine first encouraged me to try these I didn't believe that they could make a difference but I am hooked. In the beginning I could not get all the way through without a break- it is very fast paced walking, with other movements as well. I do other videos and strength training as well but Leslie Sansone is the person I work out with most. I am trying to lower my glucose level- we'll see in the spring when it is measured again.
    Another thing I like is some of her videos are only 15 min. so if I am unmotivated I can make myself do at least one video. Once I start I usually go on to do more exercising for a minimum of 30 min. Good luck.