PCOS Frustration / Motivation

I recently lost about 35 lbs due to breastfeeding. It is the only time in my life I have lost weight despite always trying to lose weight. I felt great and was excited to keep going to get to a healthy BMI.

At 5'2 At 154 lbs and 36 years old I was at my lowest weight. I was aiming to get down to 140 lbs but after my daughter started weaning, the weight keeps creeping back on no matter what I do.

This morning I checked the scale after a week of eating light and working out but the scale went up 1lb. I've now regained 11lbs and I'm so scared for it to keep going up. I couldn't stop crying this morning.

I have an appointment with my dietician and endocrinologist in Dec so hopefully that will help. Any tips or words of encouragement would be appreciated.

I'm on no supplements. I aim for 1450 calories per day and aim to get 10K steps daily plus 3 -5 sessions of cardio/weights per week.

Thank you


  • heatherrae1988
    heatherrae1988 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there! I myself have struggled with PCOS for years. Try joining a pcos support group they have really helped educate and empower me. There are some good pcos nutritional podcasts out there too.
    I’ve found with PCOS is try not to weigh yourself more than once a week. Our weight tends to fluctuate more than ppl without PCOS. Listen to what your body tells you. You’ve got this, I wish you u well.