Has anyone built or found a good weight loss tracker in excel?

I've tried to find something that would track weight and body percent fat, plus automatically tell BMI. There are some resources out there, but nothing exactly what I'm looking for.

Has anyone built something like this that would care to share, or would you know of a resource that tracks multiple metrics?


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,349 Member
    edited November 2020
    I have a very (too?) elaborate Excel spreadsheet with lots of data (weight, BMI, kcal in, kcal out,...) And graphs, but I have my doubts about how useable anyone else would find it 🤪
    it gets the job done, but I'm not an Excel expert by any stretch of the imagination.

    What exactly are you looking for? What you've said so far sounds pretty basic, we might be able to give suggestions or show formulas we use, but I have no idea how much experience you have in Excel.

    Alternatively, have you tried weight trending apps like Libra or Happyscale? Libra allows you to track bodyweight and fat percentage and shows BMI as well.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    A fitbit account will do this. You don’t need a Fitbit device to have a Fitbit account. It is free.

    You can see the data graphed over time in the app/online and You can export your data as well.

    But I’ll second the question of what exactly are you looking for?
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    @heybales does a fantastic spreadsheet on here.
  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member
    I made this one, but don’t track body fat so you’d need to add that.

  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    I programmed my own spread sheet to calculate bmi (this is easy proving hat you weigh in kg and can assume that your height is not changing), and pounds and stones/pounds from kg (useful for posts here on the forum), to plot my daily weigh-ins on a graph, to calculate my mean (average) weight over month to date and now also to calculate a running 7-day-average. It also currently colours the cells green if my weight is normal bmi From December it will colour them green if I am in my maintenence range, amber if I am above maintance but still normal bmi, and red if I go out of normal bmi. I am hoping that this will trigger my response at 78kg and help me not to gain everyting back again to 88kg, as I did last time. It was fun to do and I learned quite a lot of excel functions in the process!
  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member
    Looks like this when populatedyr8yhjtzxo33.jpeg
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    My homemade spreadsheet looks amazingly like @katescurios, so much so that it seems either she stole it from me or I stole it from her :) Except for the color scheme; mine is more black-white-blue. And no stones, because we Yanks don't know what stones are.
  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member
    Great minds think alike @lgfrie 😁 us Brits have never really got the hang of kgs my brain still works in stones but my scales only do lbs so I have to start with those and work backwards. I also have a tab to track my 100days of weighing in, to show a graph of my progress and for waist, hip, boob.... measurements (in inches of course, like a good non metric thinker).
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    It's simple, compared to another that grew and grew with suggestions.
    At the bottom of this sheet - track several measurements, used in a calc for BF% which is linked.
    Right above it pull a figure for what you've eaten and weight loss to determine apparent TDEE.
    I'd suggest if tracking BF%, that's better than BMI which was never intended as anything more than a population stat.

    Just TDEE Please spreadsheet - better than rough 5 level TDEE charts from 1919 study.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    ^^^^ 100%
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    What would we have to do to get MFP to update their tracking capability.

    OBVIOUS IMPROVEMENTS would be weight trends. Also, I'd like to see a what my net calories are for some set number of days, not just the current day.