Low calorie

Hello is there anyone that is completing a calorie deficit food diary?
If so how many calories a day are you managing to maintain?
What foods have you found that are filling however still low in calories?

Look forward to speaking to you all :)


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    edited December 2020
    Most MFP users do use diaries. Whether we do it accurately and honestly is another question, lol.

    Each MFP user has their own calorie goal, based on height, weight, sex, weight loss goal, activity level etc. Your goal can vary each day, depending on what type of exercise you do, if you eat your exercise calories back. Comparing yourself to others is futile.

    For example, I am 5’7, 131 pounds and am very active. I’m unusual because I eat quite a lot more than recommended, but I don’t eat my exercise calories back. My allowance is a max 2300 calories daily but with a much larger day once every week or two, for an overall calorie goal average of about 2700 per day. TBH I usually spend my “happy” day’s calories on Lidl’s bakery chocolate chip cookies because they are soooo darn good.

    I’ve lost 90+ pounds doing this, BUT this is over two years of carefully logging, studying my body, and learning what works for me.

    Weight loss has been easy, the initial learning curve is a bit of a zinger, but if you read this group regularly, you will pick up on all kinds of useful information.

    You’ve got to find your own base starting point, and then tweak it from there until you find a system that works for you.

    There’s all kinds of threads over on Food & Nutrition about filling foods. The Volume Eaters thread is creative and interesting, and there’s several threads about snacks, filling foods, etc.

    Best of luck to you getting revved up and ready to tackle this
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    There’s some really good threads here to help you get started too. Unfortunately I use the phone app which doesn’t lend itself well to pasting links.

    Just “search” for the Sexy Pants thread. That’s a particularly good one to get you going, but you need to start at the first page of it.