Do You Think There's Age Limit On Certain Clothes ?



  • Elliesque
    Elliesque Posts: 156 Member
    YES there is an age limit on certain clothes! Otherwise you totally look like a prowling cougar in that micro-mini dress. ugh.

    Personally I think dressing classy goes a long way.


    There is nothing more laughable than a cougar who is trying to look like she is 21 again. Dressing "young" is fine, but within reason.
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    I am surprise so many people do not know the right answer to this and if you think about you will realize it is true. It is the difference between class and trash. If an older woman is wearing hip huggers and a low cut shirt she looks trashy. If she is dressed appropriately she looks classy. This is the thing comic strips are made of people!
  • batgirl8809
    batgirl8809 Posts: 32 Member
    There are two types of people who shop at Forever 21: girls trying to trick people into believing they are actually 21, and women fooling no one.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    No Grranimals if you're over 16, and. . . that's about it.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Honestly I hate seeing older women with muffin tops, rolls, and cheap plastic jewelry my 16 year old cousin wouldn't even wear.

  • VeinsAndBones
    VeinsAndBones Posts: 550 Member
  • So true!
  • emsoquena
    emsoquena Posts: 127 Member
    Yes, there is. I've been asking this question myself. I'm 23 and my mom says I sometimes dress like I'm in my teenage years. Imagine neon tops, bright sundresses, ripped jeans, and chucks. I think for now I can still pull it off since I'm short and I look about 18. But maybe in a few years, I would have to change my style a bit. :|
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    While people can appreciate or dislike something someone is wearing based on fit, color, etc., it’s none of our business what anyone else wears, just like it’s no one else’s business what we wear. If that older lady in her cut off shorts is happy, go for it, no one’s forcing me to stare at her butt. I can just look elsewhere.

    As to the memes and that “poorly”, yikes, now *that* is in poor taste and really a low-class thing to do.

    what are you wearing?
  • abs1970
    abs1970 Posts: 235 Member
    Had this same conversation last weekend when I was wearing a bikini! At my age, should I be wearing a one piece instead? Hell no B)
  • Steff46
    Steff46 Posts: 516 Member
    I gave away a box full of blue jean short shorts to an ex coworker. She commented that she couldn't believe I couldn't wear them anymore..................I told her of course I can wear them but I don't want
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    abs1970 wrote: »
    Had this same conversation last weekend when I was wearing a bikini! At my age, should I be wearing a one piece instead? Hell no B)

    you earned that bikini

    rock it with pride
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I don't recall ever consulting with someone when I bought my clothes. Granted, all I wear are Jeans and Black Shirts for the most part, but that's what I like, what I have always liked and what I will wear for decades to come.

    The only difference in my attire is whether I am riding or not. If I am on my Motorcycle, I swap out my black shoes for black boots.

    Once home, I change into shorts and sandals.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    clothing is "stage of life dependent" 20 somethings don't understand this yet...30 somethings are developing the income and refining their tastes... 40 somethings... have the money and the responsibilities to dress for the occasion... 50 somethings...should be cleaning out their closets and dumping anything they haven't worn for 10-25 years... 60 somethings shold be dressing for comfort... 70 and up... anything that will hide the diaper... IF you have an argument... perhaps you are an aging bar star... have developmental issues... or think cammo is where it is at... I hear the Mullet is making a comeback...
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    RavenLibra wrote: »
    I hear the Mullet is making a comeback...

  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Jen12143 wrote: »
    @TheRoadDog I think it's very different for men though, women are judged on a bikini instead of a one piece, short cut offs, certain dresses, etc.

    That's a shame. I have a wife, three daughters and 4 granddaughters. I am virtually surrounded by women. I don't judge what they wear. I think everyone should be able to express themselves with their choice of dress without judgement, but, that's about as likely as my buying a comb or brush for my head.
  • joseccastaneda
    joseccastaneda Posts: 267 Member
    Yay, more arbitrary rule.
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    As a naturist, I have seen it all... clothes are just something I throw on when I go to the store so I don't get arrested. I do try to keep my clothing appropriate for the venue. However, my idea of appropriate and yours may differ widely.