How to prepare before starting kickboxing?

Hi everyone! I am trying to start kickboxing in January and don’t really know what to expect. Are there any at-home no equipment workouts and warm ups you recommend that would help me before I start?


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,277 Member
    What has your fitness routine been up to this point, and/or what's your current fitness level, especially in terms of things like cardiovascular capability, endurance, mobility (like flexibility & quickness), balance? Are you talking cardio kickboxing, or the martial art?
  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    the same question as Ann - Are you doing a cardio program? are as an actual martial art form? If a martial art, I would work on flexibility - stretching - leg strength & endurance, balance. Single leg stuff is good & calf raises. Look at a program like De Franco's Agile 8 - skip the foam rolling if you don't have one. also your core