Lost 150-160 Pounds In 1 Year Now Look To Skinny?



  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    I get that often as well. I think part of it is really that they are not used to seeing the new you. I actually laughed when I was called anorexic and said "well you've never seen me attack a bag of popcorn then" lol. You just have to let it roll off your back and be happy with the results and make sure your healthy and taking care of yourself.

    I know that my weight for my height, is still a little high (ergo there is NO WAY I'm too skinny) and I just had my yearly physical where I was informed by my doctor that aside from so minor things (low vit D) I'm in very good health, especially compared to my post weight loss.

    Congrats and keep up with the work!
  • kgraves3
    kgraves3 Posts: 28 Member
    You look great, keep up the good work. :]

    As for people thinking you look too skinny, it's possible that they are just being petty, but I think it's more likely that they simply aren't used to seeing you at your current size, so to them you truly do look too skinny. Sometimes when people start losing weight, they take it really too far, and they are probably just concerned for you, because they don't want you to end up unhealthy from being underweight after putting in so much hard work to get healthy after being overweight. If anyone says anything to you about it, just tell them that you have assured that you are maintaining a weight that is appropriate for your size.
  • JDanKing
    JDanKing Posts: 13
    The simple fact is that you look exactly as you should! I'm at about the same weight, tho I'm 5' 9". According to height/weight charts, I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, but many people who knew me when I was 55 lbs heavier tell me I'm going to dry up & blow away, etc. But I know, and you should too, that the reality is that WE are normal, they are overweight. If they acknowledge you as "normal", that would also mean they must acknowledge that they are "fat", and people don't want to do that. It's easier on their egos to think of us as the exception and themselves as "the norm".

    You have done a terrific job losing weight, don't let others "guilt" you into putting it back on. Focus on maintenance, not the negative comments others make. YOU know you're doing what is healthiest for you, and that's all that matters in the end.
  • Aeramis13
    Aeramis13 Posts: 135 Member
    My best friend lost ~140 Lbs in a year and people freaked over how "anorexic looking" she was. She's actually right where she's supposed to be based on height/age/sex - and looks healthy and fabulous...AND is super conscious of eating a healthy, well-rounded diet, so she's not skimping on anything. People's brains just freak a bit with the change.

    And probably a bit of what JDanKing said - if folks acknowledge that you're normal, they have to admit that they're overweight....which as we know can be scary, and especially difficult for someone who isn't actually ready to make a change yet.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Visual distortion on their part. You are at a decent weight. If you're maintaining with health eating and activity. . .by all means continue!! You've done well. They just can't see that.
  • jillwhite12
    jillwhite12 Posts: 102 Member
    I get this all the time from my parents. I know they're not trying to "sabotage" my progress, they're just concerned. And I told them the same thing everyone on here seems to think... that they're just so used to seeing me obese that they don't know what a healthy weight is supposed to look like on me. Not only that but there is so much obesity in general that some people think anyone who isn't overweight is too skinny...

    Also, collarbones are usually visible at a healthy weight...from what I've seen anyway... Even when I was at the lower end of the obese range / high end overweight range, my collarbones were starting to show.

    So anyway, I wouldn't worry too much about it and just let it slide. I don't think anyone is intentionally being negative...they're probably just concerned...
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    I went through the same thing. I started out at 240 and now I'm in the 140's. My family told me when I was in my 180's that I looked "sick" in the face and I was too skinny.... Yes comments like this hurt, but you know what perhaps people are insecure with your new lifestyle change because they are scared and insecure with themselves. I even lost friends when I lost weight, which is a shame but you have to do what you have to do.

    Don't let what others say discourage you. First and foremost you are doing this for you and your health. If anyone else wants to support you and join your bandwagon then great!
  • mag131
    mag131 Posts: 542 Member
    I think in today's society where obese is the norm that a lot of people don't know what a healthy weight looks like. You look fine to me. Unless you're having health problems due to being underweight, I'm sure you're fine. You don't look to skinny in the pic you posted.
  • ericalyn73
    No matter what you do, haters will hate. That is just life. Accept it and move on. Congratulations on your success. You look marvelous!
  • kateauch
    kateauch Posts: 195 Member
    Oh wow!!! You look fantastic! I really do think it's the shock of seeing you at a healthy weight that is driving your family's concern. They will adjust.

    Congratulations on your dedication and tremendous accomplishments!!
  • JkensteinBaCuLa
    Thanks everybody for all of your Comments & Compliments :)
  • JkensteinBaCuLa
    I have a Higher Confidence and Self Esteem. I Eat Healthy. I do Cut Calories. I have a Certain Daily Intake but I Do Cheat twice a week. Thanks for the Compliment