Need the extra push

chivitaxxv Posts: 21
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hello All,

After having my son in 2010, I gained a total of approximately 60lbs. Of which 20lbs were post baby. I returned to playing soccer last year and picked up running again just last month. I've tried everything in between. From herbalife shakes, P90X: which was too intense and I had no lower body strength due to my C-section, Turbofire: can't seem to be motivated enough to stick to it for more than a couple of days, Zumba: too slow, and Insanity: My personal favorite, but can't seem to get through the entire program without having my son (3 year old) interrupt my sessions. I work full- time, so the only option I have is to get in my 3 mile runs during my lunch hour. My afternoons are pretty much composed of chores, running after my toddler, and cooking dinner. My the time my son falls asleep, I'm too tired to pop in the Insanity DVD.

What works for you when you need that extra Push?


  • bump
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    You are very active already. You work, run 3 miles at lunch and take care of a 3 year old when you get home.

    Don't short change yourself by setting yourself up to fail with a too-aggressive weight loss goal. Set your MFP to "Moderately active" and a goal to lose 1 lb/week. If you get enough to eat, you'll have energy to get through your day... maybe even enough to get an evening workout after your son goes to bed.

    I sometimes plan my day so that I don't do a normal dinner. I'll have a coffee around 5pm with a snack and then once my son is in bed at about 7:30 I'm still energetic enough to work out.

    Just do this in a moderate way...
  • As mrsbigmack said ''don't short change yourself''.
    Try not to look at your long term goal. Short term goals are much easier to relate to. 1 lb a week is a great goal.
    Working, motherhood, health and all the stresses of life can be hard to juggle. Don't expect to be wonderwoman.
    I had the same problem with my kids interrupting me during my workout, I decided to invite them to join. They started off with the warmup, fizzled and lost interest after about 5 minutes and went off to do something else.
    It's like the baby vs phone syndrome. The baby only wants to talk when you are on the phone. Let the baby talk for a minute, they lose interest and find something else to do.
    Biking with a seat for an infant on the back is great exercise. A nice ride before his bedtime is a great 'wind down' tool.
    Don't let yourself get down. Look for motivation. Go slow and keep spirits up. ;)
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I agree with the others. You've done a lot. Set your workouts up as a business meeting and stick to them longer. When you see the results, it will increase your desire for them.
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    Connect with your "Why"

    Why do you want to do this?
    Why are you pressing play?
    What has motivated you to even want to do seek more answers in the first place?

    Because the truth is, there's not a workout program or a nutrition plan that's going to give you that extra "push" you desire. You're going to have to dig deep and find it within you. Motivation is an inside job and you have to push when you feel like it and when you don't. What's hot, new, and fresh today will become old, cold, and stale tomorrow and you have to want this no matter the workout. Find your why, pop in insanity, and have your 3 yr old do some moving push ups with you. LOL. Just teasin!
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