Love Anyway

Food is Fuel
Rest your Mind
Re-focus on Importance
*Love Anyway*

Many of us are here to give and to receive support. I've lost relationships over the years by retreating into comfort and normal, and yet:

I find joy in support of others. Appreciation of others and seeing how that improves their lives. Inspiring to succeed. Recognize accomplishments and help when given.

Because deep inside me I have a true love for all people. It's not very well known, but I know who I am. It's hard to freely show love, yet important.

Give of your possessions, materials, and yourself for the Love of others.

It does hurt when you're not given what feels like love in return, but that's not what love is about, so "Love Anyway".

That is why I say: Keep it up! Goals are not unreachable. They can be hard, but you can get there. Thank you for to those who have supported me! I do appreciate it.
