Not New but starting over......

Hi everyone!
I am not new to My Fitness pal but I am starting over I had lap band surgery 10/05/2009 and was able to lose around 75 pounds. However, I still struggled to keep the weight off. I had a bad wreck in 7/2015 which knocked out my ability to exercise. I was told by my previous trainer that I would gain my weight back because I could not exercise. I lost all hope and started not watching what I was eating. Then moved to Florida and found getting fast food was easily accessible and we started eating out a lot. Before I knew it I was over 300 pounds again. My lap band has not been adjusted in years. I recently had a doctor's appt for my lap band and may have to have revision surgery to gastric bypass surgery. I am looking for friends that have either have had revision surgery or friends that have regained their weight after lap band surgery and are trying to take it off again. The reason I am asking for these types of friends are because you know what I am going through and I feel you would better understand the struggles and obstacles faced after these types of surgeries.