Family and Friends Support

How come it is so hard to get support from family on my lifestyle change?? And A lot of times all I get is criticism of how my health has been in the past ... But now I been making changes to better myself ...Why not tell me they are glad I am making changes and support me on it


  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    It can be a few different things.

    If your f&f are overweight they may feel guilty or self conscious about you changing. Kind of like you doing it makes them know they should, but they don't want to put in the effort. So they feel guilty/defensive and take it out on you. Nothing you can do about this, as the problem is on their side.

    If it is a spouse/significant other, they may feel nervous that if you improve yourself: you'll figure out you could 'do better' and not love them anymore.

    Some people truly do love you unconditionally and mean well when they say they like you as you are.

    I personally do not discuss my weight goals/efforts with others unless they bring it up or I have reason to know they are interested in hearing about it. My health and fitness goals are 100% for me. I did not lose weight to please anyone else, but to improve my own quality of life. Keeping that in mind also helps.

    If you get pushback from others saying you don't need to lose weight, try to avoid getting into a debate with them. You can say that your doctor agrees with the changes you're making or something simple like that. Kind of hard to argue with one's doctor!