I'm no longer in a hurry...

I argued with myself on which forum to post this in. I rarely post anything in this site's community area, so I toyed with the idea of posting it in the 'Introduce Yourself' forum. It's also kind of a success story, but, whatever...

In the beginning of June this year, I reached a major milestone in my weight loss journey. 150 pounds lost. It took me 15 months to lose it, and I did so by counting calories, and eating back the calories I burned through exercise. In most ways, I'm very proud of myself. I look in the mirror, and I like what I see. However, I'm still about 40 pounds away from where I'd like to be.

Since June, I've lost 2 pounds. It's difficult to stay focused ALL of the time. Friday through Sunday is the worst, as there have been many weekends I've gained back everything I lost Monday through Thursday, simply by going out to eat, and behaving like an idiot. I tell myself I'm no longer in a hurry, and I'm not, but I could certainly improve in the will-power department, these days.

I think the hardest part, is that I'm truly hungry ALL of the time. I know a lot of this has to do with the fact that I'm no longer exercising... those extra calories really helped curb the hunger. Another factor, is that, when I'm following the calorie guidelines to lose 2 pounds a week, 1470 calories a day just doesn't seem like enough. And, after eating 1470 calories 4 days in a row, it's really easy to lose all control when the weekend comes, and eat everything in sight.

So, as of two days ago, I set my daily calories to 2000. It's leaving me far more satisfied, and, while it will take me much longer to lose the weight I still need to, it should come off over time, right? I mean... if the average male is supposed to consume 2000 calories a day, and I'm still obese, the weight will eventually come off. I hope.


  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    No need to rush it! I'm a chic and I eat 2k a day. And still losing weight. Keep yourself satisfied and it will improve your willpower.