Bikini Competition in 8 months- is it possible?

Hey all!
I decided I want to compete in a bikini competition. I'd like to do well, but I mainly just want to prove to myself that I can do it. There is a small one near me in April that I think would be a good show to be my first. I'm 5'3", about 134 pounds. says that's 25% body fat, but I'm not sure how accurate that is.
I don't have any progress photos, other than the ones on my page, but I can tell you I have really defined legs, no backside, my arms need some work, and I hold my weight in my stomach.
Is 8 months enough time to get into bikini competition shape? If so, when do I need to start serious prep? Most things I see are 12 week programs and I think I need way more time. Also, are there some decent, free, resources that may be helpful? I may get some backlash for asking that, but at the moment I can't afford to hire someone to make a meal plan and workout plan for me.

Thanks in advance for any advice!


  • DawnOBRN
    DawnOBRN Posts: 290 Member
    Here are some good sites:

    Hope this helps!!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    you'll probably do okay- but in 8 months I doubt you'll be ready and you wont' win (I suspect) it takes years to build a good base. I'm considering doing one- but I don't think I'm going to because despite years of lifting- I haven't gotten into the cutting aspect- and I think I"m still to heavy.

    You could do it- and it'll be a good learning experience but don't go in with high high hopes.

    Read up on there are literally a million articles on this (I was just googling last night actually LOL)
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    8 months is more than enough time to get ready to be on stage. As someone else pointed out, winning may be a whole different thing. A friend of mine had the same timeframe to get ready for figure comp, and she took overall. She also, however, had years of dance in her background. Another successful friend was a gymnast until her teens.

    I trained for 4 months and competed in figure (pics are in my photos). I didn't do great (in part because of my lousy posing on stage and also because I really shouldn't have been competing at that point). For me it was a huge accomplishment just toget on stage. Winning was never my goal (there are a lot in the community who frown on that "just want to compete mentality).

    I would strongly suggest getting a trainer. You can find one at gyms or even do online. My coach prepared my meal plans, and my workouts. She was there for moral support, helped me with posing, choosing a suit, etc. I sent her progress pics every week. I really couldn't have done it on my own.

    I also second the reading on BB and stuff. There are different methods trainers use. Make sure you understand and agree with what their plans are.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    . For me it was a huge accomplishment just toget on stage. Winning was never my goal (there are a lot in the community who frown on that "just want to compete mentality).

    I would strongly suggest getting a trainer.

    agree to both of those things

    congrats by the way on getting up there and doing that!!!
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Thanks all! Yeah, I don't expect to win. If I do it'll be because the show is so small and I'm the only one in the short bikini division lol. People not liking that "i just want to compete" mentality is why I chose to do a smaller show. It's not NPC/IFBB either. I just want to say I did it! Then if I want to do another one I will :) Thanks for ya'lls input! I just don't want to be completely embarrassed up there lol.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    8 months is more than enough time for you to get stage ready

    as far as what approach you should take I dont really know to be honest - if you have never lifted you would probably respond really well to weights and could get away with adding some muscle volume while reducing your fat for the first few months - the biggest thing for any show is to come in well conditioned - and work on your posing, you wont have the time to blow them away with your muscle bellies or anything because 8 months of lifting isnt going to compensate for the years some of the competitors may have

    my biggest advice would be to find a coach if you are really serious about it
  • sammybov
    sammybov Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I've got the same goal as you and I am 24, also 5'3 and I'm a little bit heavier at 137. My comp is September next year and I've recruited a trainer for one session a week to provide nutrition and exercise guidance. Happy to connect with you and encourage each other. Feel free to add me!
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Eat at a modest deficit and get to lifting. If you're worried about your backside, check out Bret Contreras.
  • Lillyloooo
    Lillyloooo Posts: 174 Member