New here again

blackonics Posts: 7 Member
edited December 2020 in Introduce Yourself
I would really like to find people to help with my goals and I can help with theirs . I have no support what so ever and I really need it .People to keep me moving .. I live in the woods I can take walks but hunting seasons makes its hard at time . Its dark now with time change , when I get home from work. I do have a stationary bike and I do get on it . maybe once or twice a week . I work all day and just to tired so I tell myself . I am pre diabetic and do not wish to become one.. Weigh loss will keep that from happening . I know what you are thinking and I do as well . Then get up and do something about it . I just have not Motivation at all. Please friend me if you want some.

*Edited by a MFP moderator


  • The_Elephant_Man
    The_Elephant_Man Posts: 204 Member
    @blackonics. I have lost 55lb so far and need to lose another 30lb just by counting calories and low carbs. Just log everything you put in your mouth and stay below your calorie goal each day and you will lose weight. Never give up on yourself! You can do this!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,716 Member
    Too tired to work out, when working out will make you tired, yet ultimately lead to not-tired.

    It’s a conundrum, right?

    What about some online classes? There’s sooooo many to choose from and people have great success with them. Are you close enough to any kind of gym or studio? I find it really motivating to work out with others, whether in person, or even via a live Zoom class. My local yoga studio offers both, and it’s awesome getting real-time feedback even when I’m at home. “Hey, Spring! Can you lift that left leg a little higher?”

    Apple has also introduced their new fitness+ if you have a watch, including some spin classes for your bike.

    I saw my mom wind up bedridden and spoon fed from diabetes. There’s motivation for you. Please please please don’t go there. Love yourself.
