Thought it was a relapse, but I"m a yo-yo dieter :(

I was 157 when I ran cross country in high school. I gained a lot of weight in college, went up to 187, but I managed to bring it back down to 167 a year out of college. I was trying to figure out how to get past that plateau when I was hired for a job that was an hour commute each way.

It ultimately put me in a better financial position; I was hired at a job closer to home and my commute is now just 15 minutes. But during the time I was doing that commute, my weight went up to 191. It's now 198.

I've tried so hard to stay under 200 lbs, but that seems like all I'm able to do. I just bought a workbook for food addiction, since the amount of time I spend thinking about food (and the emotions involved) seems abnormal. I don't really know what else to do. I have a gym membership, I use the weights and run, but I don't have the money for a more intense class. A good deal on CrossFit was what helped me get down to 167.

I don't really know what to do anymore. Depressed doesn't even begin to describe how I feel. I feel out of control.


  • AndreaTamira
    AndreaTamira Posts: 272 Member
    It is awesome you are doing steps to stop your weight from further spiraling. This shows that you want to take the control back. And I am sure you can, too.

    You are by far not the only yo-yo dieter here, either. Years ago I weighted 112 kg (247 pounds). I lost weight, down to around 70 kg (154 pounds). Then I slipped, and slowly weight started creeping up. It got up all the way to around 91 kg (201 pounds) till I finally started to do something about it again. - And I managed to "do something". Down to a bit under 79 kg (174 pounds) now and not stopping. - You can, too!

    You don't need intense workout classes, either. Sport is nice, good for your emotions and for your body, but you can lose weight without it.

    Maybe just start recording everything you eat, if calorie counting seems too much right now. get a good ida of your diet and target "what to change" when you actually have a good picture of how things are.

    What are the specific things you have problems with?
  • aubintex
    aubintex Posts: 29 Member
    I am in the same boat. I keep losing and gaining 30+ lbs. I'm currently at my highest weight ever - almost to my pregnancy weight. I'm going to start logging foods and focus on the process of eating well and feeling healthy. With time, the weight will come off. Add me as a friend and we can support each other!