30 pound weight loss testimonials

I am 163and hoping to lose 30 pounds by May. Anyone with similar goals that you have reached?


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    you didnt gain the weight quickly, dont expect to lose it quickly.

    i lost 130 pounds 5 years ago and gained back 50 over the past 2 years.

    be kind to yourself, try not to jump in too quickly, or you'll burn out quickly, set small, achievable goals instead of a larger goal and, again... be kind to yourself!

    good luck!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,891 Member
    I'm a big fan of focusing on the process, and making it enjoyable/sustainable, not worrying too much about end dates. After all, for me the point was not just to reach a healthy weight, but to stay there long term: That has no end date! (I'm now in year 5 of maintaining a healthy weight, after losing from obese to a healthy weight back in 2015 - 50+ pounds lost, at age 59/60, after literally decades of obesity, most of my adult life.)

    If you enjoy seeing success stories for inspiration, there are a bunch of them over in the "Success Stories" part of the forum. Here's a direct link:


    A couple of threads that were (and still are) really inspiring to me are these:


    Also, if you look in the "Most Helpful Posts" area under Success Stories, you'll find a list of posts that other MFP users nominated as being the most inspiring/useful stories that had been posted.

    Wishing you much success with MFP!
  • eggharborme
    eggharborme Posts: 3 Member
    I am 163and hoping to lose 30 pounds by May. Anyone with similar goals that you have reached?

    My goal is same - 30 lbs by May 1 - we can do that!
  • daisydoll81
    daisydoll81 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you, all!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    Oh wow, countless of us. If you need motivation (with photos, natch) head over to the success stories threads.

    If that doesn’t light your fire.......