I’m back!!!

I’m back for yet another go around of trying to lose weight! 2020 was a horrible year and I did nothing but gain all the weight I had worked so hard to lose the year previously. So here I am, getting ready to do this for a 4th time! Hopefully this time will work and I can finally get rid of this mom belly and have the best body I can before I hit my 30th birthday this year! Wish me luck!!!


  • potato_mom
    potato_mom Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome back! Cheers to fresh starts. You got this!!
  • yasminekassis613
    yasminekassis613 Posts: 268 Member
  • LavenderSpirit90
    LavenderSpirit90 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there!

    I just turned 30 this year, too! :blush: this’ll be my several attempt at doing this - but after a year like 2020 I am motivated to really focus on my body and health. Would love to be friends on here to help inspire each other! ✨✨✨✨
  • TryingMyBestCL
    TryingMyBestCL Posts: 6 Member
    Sent you a request, I have 40lbs to lose at least! Wish you all the best x
  • 0atmeel
    0atmeel Posts: 168 Member
    You can do this!