
This year my word is commitment to create healthy habits and turn struggle into success!!


  • The_Elephant_Man
    The_Elephant_Man Posts: 205 Member
    This year my word is commitment to create healthy habits and turn struggle into success!!

    @krisniel1973 You can do this! NEVER give up on yourself.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,899 Member
    I found it easier to commit when I would write it down. I broke a couple of bad personal habits by writing them down and writing why I thought I’d done them, what I thought I got out of them on a daily basis. When I went back to look, it was so laughably ridiculous it made it that much easier to quit.

    To commit to exercise, I pre-book classes, both in person and via zoom. I enter them on my phone calendar, with a reminder an hour or two beforehand so I can make sure I clear my calendar. Pre-booking also means I lose the money if I cancel, which helps with commitment.

    Many local gyms and yoga studios are offering zoom classes. I am fortunate that mine does carefully distanced in-person ones as well, so I mix them up.

    Weighing and logging foods in MFP is a form of journaling, too. Once you commit to doing it -and doing it properly and effectively (which comes with practice)- it becomes an easily manageable habit you barely notice.

    This is the best guide to the basics of it all:

    Much success to you. I won’t wish you “luck”. Luck has nothing to do with it. 😘