Strength training exercises for muscle strength

I'm a long-distance runner and love to challenge my body to achieve my full potential. I've been focusing on strengthening and toning my muscles for a couple of months. My main goal is to increase my efficiency in running and minimize the chance of injury. Here is a list of effective strength training exercises to get tough. My question is, which exercise I should focus on to increase the strength of my calf muscles and hamstring.


  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Efficiency wise I would gravitate to the
    Barbell squats, presses, and deadlifts.

    There is nothing wrong with dumbbell work in place of the presses nor is is it wrong to use them execlusely especially if that means adhearance to training or the equipment available. Just wouldn't be my first choice usually.

    Rep scheme may very on usefulness depending on what you are defining long distance and/or frequency.
  • scott_90345
    scott_90345 Posts: 17 Member
    Okay. So, what would be an ideal sequence to perform these exercises and incorporate with them in an exercise regimen and their rep range? Do you recommend incorporating accessory lifts in between?
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Okay. So, what would be an ideal sequence to perform these exercises and incorporate with them in an exercise regimen and their rep range? Do you recommend incorporating accessory lifts in between?

    That depends on your current external load from running and lifting. I would use a wide variety of rep ranges within programming. Anywhere between 5-20 reps though on certain movements I might go as high as 30 depending on your response and goal for long distance.

    What is your current running programming/schedule? How do you increase load and how often?

    How do you define yourself as a long distance runner? Other than efficiency, have you set a short or long term goal (e.g., run a marathon, average a min/mile)?

    Resistance training can be on same, separate, or a combo of both as your run days. What is ideal for you will come down to how to respond, recover, and adhere.