Determine Why You Want to Lose Weight

Determine Why You Want to Lose Weight. Clearly define all the reasons you want to lose weight and write them down. …

1. to live a long, healthy life, so I will be able to take care of myself. I'm a very independent person and don't want to get where I need to depend on others.
2. To help my self esteem so I can be happy in my skin. never be held back from anything because I feel uncomfortable.
4.To be noticed.
5. Love myself
6. To be able to ride any rollercoaster and not have to worry about being to fat to be buckled in. smile at my reflection when I glance at a mirror/reflective surface.
8. So that If I get married one day, I will look good in my dream dress. be proud of the way I look.
10. to look back and smile at how far I've come
11. To be an inspiration and motivator for others
12. to shock and amaze. be able to say, 'I wasn't happy, so I did something about it'. understand the hardships of losing weight and maintaining and being able to sympathize with those who are in a position you once were in.
15. to have nothing to hold you back.
16. to know that you did something a lot of people won't commit to.
17. to have your parents be proud because you changed your life.
18. to look and feel younger
19. to enjoy all the goodness the world has to offer.
20. to have maintained for so long that it's just feels natural
21. to become a different, less judgmental human being.
22. to love without limits.
23. to smile at your surroundings.
24. to be able to enjoy nature that much more.
25. to be able to give advice, because you know that it worked for you.
26. to forgive and forget those who made you feel awful.
27. to be a better person.
28. to be able to mold your life into the life YOU want.
29. to be thankful for the person you once were, because they helped shape you into the person you are today.
30. to not constantly worry about how you look.
31. to see 'small' (or medium, or large, or whatever size you want!) tags along your closet.
32. to love flaunting your hard earned assets.
33. to make your own damn dreams come true.
34. to know you're an amazing success no matter what age you are.
35. to be healthy already, when/if I decide to have a baby.
36. to a greater future.