Running... with huge blister on ball of foot

Time to ask for advice, as this is the most annoying "injury" I've had since I started running 16 months ago... I consistently run 25-30 miles per week, and never had a blister. I now developed a huge one (about the size of 2 nickels) on the ball of my foot, from walking very fast for 3 miles in minimalist shoes on Tue. I have a half-marathon in 10 days, and today I was supposed to do 12 miles - I slowly did 3.6... I was able to run 6.5 miles on Wed and do a hike yesterday with minimal discomfort but today it hurts too much. What would you recommend I do, given the upcoming race?

*I have perforated it to release the fluid and pressure (I cleaned it very well before I did this); *today I tried to keep the pressure off it with a padded moleskin bandage with a hole cut in it to fit the blister - it feels better when I walk, didn't help during my run that much though...*it's still completely covered - the skin didn't break off and there is no scab - should I open the dead skin more so that it dries (does not feel intuitive)?


  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I would not do anything else to it. Personally I'd take several days off from weight bearing workouts. Try biking double your running distance instead. Only rest will help I think.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    You just have to let it heal. I had a GIANT blister on the balls of my right foot my freshman year of college because I thought I could get from my dorm to class in 15 minutes, up hill, and in heeled boots. obviously i did not and paid for trying. Letting it drain is fine since you cleaned it I think, but you do need to just keep it clean and keep weight off of it until it heals.