Pushing through; how do you? Wheelchair users?

I realized afterwards, that I posted in the wrong channel, so my apologies if you've seen this already.

Any wheelchair users with chronic pain? I would love to know your methods of pushing through. Need all the motivation I can get. I know it could always be worse, so not complaining, just hoping to learn :smiley:

Even if you are not a wheelchair user, I'd love to hear your methods. Getting taken out for a day or two always sets me back and I hate it. Need to figure out a way to push through, lol.


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,646 Member
    No, not chronic pain. I went through a period of physical challenge a few years back (fairly severe chemotherapy side effects). I'm not sure whether you're looking for a way to push through the pain and get some workouts in when it hurts, or looking to push through the process when you're in pain and can't work out. The chemo phase was more like the latter. What helped me was consuming comedy (movies, etc.) like they it was a drug, and - this next is really counter to my personal inclinations but I was desperate - using audio-based self-hypnosis, music with subliminal affirmations, and guided imagery. Depending on the nature of your workouts, some of those could be done during a workout to pull out of rumination, I think, if it would leave you enough mindshare to give the needed attention to workout mechanics.

    I wish I had something better to offer, but I saw you weren't getting replies from other wheelchair user folks in a similar situation to chime in on your post, so I thought I'd just stop in to offer what little ideas I could.

    It's really a huge positive that you're finding the energy to work on getting stronger and healthier. Sending strength and wishes for improvement!
  • Thanks so much! I really like the idea of consuming the comedy, it would be a great way to distract myself, at least I'll give it a try.

    For me it's pushing through the pain to finish the workouts. Logically I know it's not physically damaging my body, but it drains me of energy and motivation, especially with the longer bouts. I believe in mind over matter, but can't seem to apply it in this case, so looking for anything.

    Thanks a bunch!