Not sure how many calories I'm burning

Hi Guys,

I'm not sure how many calories im burning when i go to the gym. I know the machines have calorie counters but I highly doubt they are correct. I don't have enough money for a calorie watch either. So could anyone just please give me an estimate on how many calories you think I burn while working out??

I weight 247.4 pounds:
30 minutes of bike riding around school track
45 minutes on eliptical at the gym
10 minutes of walking on the treadmill 3.0 mph
5 minutes of running on the treadmill at 4.5 mph

Thanx a Bunch!


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    The only way to know for sure would be get a HRM.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    The machine's estimates is going to be the most accurate without a heart rate monitor so go by that and round down if you feel necessary. No one can tell you how much you're burning because everyone's chemical makeup is different.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I agree. Go with whats on the machine just round down. I know the elliptical machine for me is usually way over what I normally burn. It's definitely worth it to save some money if you can and invest in a heart rate monitor. Best money I ever spent!
  • CelaJo
    CelaJo Posts: 2
    There are some exercise calorie calculators on-line you can use. You select the activity, then enter your weight and the amount of time you performed the exercise. This may not be exactly correct but gives you a good estimate.
    Here is a web address to one of them:

    Good luck :)