Love means......

ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
I hope this isn't too repetitive of all the other love threads on here but it's something that's been on my mind lately. You can do funny and make me laugh because everybody needs laughter. Or you can do serious to give us something to chew on. At this point in my life, I'm not sure about love anymore. Does love last forever? Is it really kind? Forgiving? Merely strong infatuation? Such a simple 4 letter word that means completely different things to each of us.
So, if you think you got a handle on this love thing(or even if you don't) I'd love to see peoples' input. :blush:


  • Yoshiboobs
    Yoshiboobs Posts: 1,090 Member
    I think love is everything. Like, too many different kinds to even put a name to.
    I've spent a lot of time in my mind trying to define love. Try to figure out the difference between 'real love' and infatuation but I think, it's all the same. Just feels different. Great in thier own ways. Even if you don't know someone on a deep level, I don't think that cheepens it.
    Love for your freinds, I don't even love them all the same. Love for your lovers, never loved them the same. Love for your family, don't love them the same either. It never feels the same.
    Some is an intense appreciation. Other's a extreme fondness. Warm 🥰. Some ache. Some stop you in your tracks. Some feel like you've known them before. Like you'll always gravitate back.
    As far as romantic love, I'm unsure if it's forever or if it gets back to the intensity of the first few loves. I've never been in love again like I was at 18 and then at 22. It is what it is. Sometimes I'm torn up about it but today I'm open to the idea of love being everywhere in smaller doses. Maybe that all engulfing, wrapped up in one person love isn't the only way.
  • woollenmonarch
    woollenmonarch Posts: 152 Member
    It’s a range of emotions

    It’s not one dimensional

    Some days you love a person dearly

    Other days they piss you off and you don’t

    But what matters is the standard deviation and mean average of a 90 day window.

    If you end up more in resentment, there is no love
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    MaltedTea wrote: »
    Shared selflessness

    We have a winner!

    I'm not a big fan or "what does it mean to you" ? Or to each their own... Words have meaning and that is independent of what you think they mean. Words stand on their own.

    Love in the English language encompasses several aspects. Greek has 4 words that have been expressed as love in the English language.

    Agape Charity
    unconditional, selfless, commitment and dutiful love

    Philia Friendship,
    like agape but includes a deeper connection, fondness, emotional intimacy, Philadelphia - brotherly love

    Storge Natural Affection,
    kinship or family ties. A woman's natural feeling for her child

    Eros Sexual attraction,
    romance, physical intimacy
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    Love is so much!!! There are different kinds of love!! My love for my husband is an addiction!! I can't get enough and yet sometimes I don't want anymore at all!! The love with my husband is a hard love. Comes with joy and pain!! Without forgiveness this love would die. It's fertilizer to love!! Now the love I feel for my kids....that's a completely different thing. Nothing breaks it! Nothing stops it! Nothing takes it away! I'd kill for that love!! Even in the hottest anger that love cools and calms it all!!! Then there is the love for everyone else. It's breakable. Friends and family neighbors and strangers. They earn that love and can lose it at anytime!!
  • KimberlinaB
    KimberlinaB Posts: 4,017 Member
    sharing my snacks. Especially if they're pre-tracked.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited January 2021
    Who says love says kids
    Says always and says divorce
    Curious to see who recognizes this.
  • stevehenderson776
    stevehenderson776 Posts: 324 Member
    Peeing with the door open.
  • CaramonM
    CaramonM Posts: 263 Member
    Plato remarks in the Symposium:

    "Love is born into every human being; it calls back the halves of our original nature together; it tries to make one out of two and heal the wound of human nature"

    "Love is simply the name for the desire and pursuit of the whole"

    To me, this strikes true...perhaps love is a process and an awareness: despite all challenges you will ever endure, you will do so together.  The inexorable realization that you are each other's destiny.

    There is a song I like which hints at this with its lyrics.  You will become each other's life and live it to your death.

    She says, "Wake up, it's no use pretending"
    I'll keep stealing, breathing her
    Birds are leaving over autumn's ending
    One of us will die inside these arms
    Eyes wide open, naked as we came
    One will spread our ashes around the yard.

    She says, "If I leave before you, darling
    Don't you waste me in the ground"
    I lay smiling like our sleeping children
    One of us will die inside these arms
    Eyes wide open, naked as we came
    One will spread our ashes around the yard

    Having a love which becomes torn apart is an existential cruelty, where you mourn your life that no longer exists, and another person who is still alive.
  • my_gatorgirl_8
    my_gatorgirl_8 Posts: 125 Member
    Love means growing old with your soulmate.
  • woollenmonarch
    woollenmonarch Posts: 152 Member
    Has reeny found true love yet?
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    I have a difficult time thinking my love goes so far as to do some of the things my sister has been going through for her dh. :( Sure, I care. But how far can love carry a person? If you're not willing to go through 'sickness and in health' is it love?
    I guess that's what had me wondering in the first place. :(
    Devotion, commitment, dedication, selflessness, complete acceptance, and true love.
    *sigh* just don't know if I have what it takes some days.
    Loving yourself is certainly a big part of the picture and TBH I haven't made it that far either. :blush:
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Has reeny found true love yet?

    No input for yourself?