Ladies: Pre-period binging?



  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    Tis happens to me but I find working out helps to ease all my symptoms including bloating, binging, cramps
  • Zuzanna100
    Zuzanna100 Posts: 39 Member
    Sugar cravings, sometimes even when I've been off sugar for a while.

    A glass of red wine satisfies me and I'll take the sugar alcohol over candy anytime because candy effects me negatively and the most wine will do is stall me and normally it doesn't even do that.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    I can't get enough chocolate and salty treats that week. It's awful.

    This. At about day 1 or 2 of my period I pretty much want to eat ALL THE SALTY THINGS. Though I usually crave salty things anyway, so it's really more of an amplification.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    Do not drink tea and coffee with or straight after food. It blocks your intake of iron.
    I'm the opposite of anaemic (hemachromatosis) so I have to block as much as possible.

    As for bingeing at TOM, I think its the law that you have to....if I don't I turn into an angry ginger gnome!!!

    Angry Ginger Gnome BAHAHAHAHA! :D
    I close my office door 1 day a month and all the men know to speak softly to me if they MUST speak at all lol....I turn in to Angry Hermit :)

    Two of my buddies and I watch wrestling every Monday. I cook dinner, and we have a good time. Usually, I avoid everyone on the heaviest day of my period, because I'm just a ****ing mess.

    But one Monday, it couldn't be avoided. It was terrible. I almost cried when dinner didn't look like the recipe, and threw an (empty) box of bacon at one of the dudes. Because he said, "I could eat bacon" after I said I wasn't going to cook all that bacon. >_>;

    It have not yet lived down the box thing.
  • dkhuff1
    dkhuff1 Posts: 67 Member
    This hits me too. And I find as I get older and closer to menopause it gets more intense. i find that I crave cards and sugary snacks. Eating protein helps but I like having anything with nutella on it is satisfying and not too damaging. I also try to be really good about exercising as that helps stave things off.