Let's do this!

Hey Guys! My name is Jay. I'm 20 years old. I tried out MyFitnessPal before uni and it really worked, but then I went to university and lost the routine and put on a few pounds. This year im determined to continue it going. My target weight loss is 12lbs! I'm looking to tone up and just get fitter and healthier really!
I've had a look on the forum, everyone seems to be doing really well. Hats off to some of the people on here that have been hitting it hard for nearly 2 years! I'm hoping this time round I can keep it maintained and use MyFitnessPal to help!

Let's do this!!


  • I am in the same place. Lost 25 lbs and in May, started sitting outside in the nice weather having a glass of wine. This led to more wine and then food. 3 months later and 10 lbs back on.... it is time to STOP. I am on day two with no wine and good food. I slept great last night for first time in a while.

    We can do this. My motto is:

    Nothing tastes as good as feeling thin!!!