Tips for Exercising NEEDED



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Hello everyone. I was wondering, how do you push yourself to work out during the week? I always do so well on weekends and maybe working out a couple times during the week but on days that I work in the week, I always make excuses to not work out and I just get so busy with work that sometimes I forget to even take a break to work out haha so I am trying to get in a routine to working out at least 5 days a week, but I would like to do some type of movement each day. Please don't respond with, "just do it" because it's easier said than done. So I would love to get some insight from anyone that has been in my shoes and how has your routine been? and, or what works for you?

    What do you consider to be a "workout?" Are you engaging in physical activity you enjoy or just doing something because it's a "workout" and that's what you feel like you should be doing. My stance on this is that a "workout" is always exercise, but exercise isn't always necessarily a "workout". A lot of my exercise is recreational and just keeps me active...walking the dog, cycling, hiking, rock climbing, etc. When I do "workout", I do things that functionally support those, right now I'm following a structured cycling program to help me increase my FTP on the's a good "workout", but I'm not doing it just for the sake of doing a is functionally making me a better cyclist...therefore I enjoy it, and I can quantifiably see progress on a goal I'm working towards that has nothing to do with weight or calories or whatever.

    Other than that, I spend 3x per week in the weight is not my most super favorite thing in the world, but I'm middle age and maintaining functional strength is important to me, and the aesthetic benefits are undeniable, so all in all worth it...and it's only 3x per week, so no biggie other than I often have to make myself get up and go. It's actually a bit easier right now because my gym requires a scheduled appointment...I see it on my calendar, and I'm a lot less likely to blow it off or "I'll go later" or whatever.

    I also make sure I take rest/recovery days a couple of days per week...I don't "workout" on those days, but I still will go walk my dog or take a casual bike ride, etc...but I keep it mellow to allow for recovery from other stuff I've been doing.