Runners, what's your limit? How many miles/day, rest days...

Runners, what's your limit? How many miles/day can you do and how many days in a row can you go before needing a break because your running is slowing down bc you're doing too much? Please also let me know how long you've been running and what your average speed and distance is. Thanks. :smile:


  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    I've been running for over 5 years now, so my stamina is quite good. I used to run 1.5- 2 hours a day and stop before I feel like I need to. Since I started incorporating weight training, I run .5 - 1 hour a day for weight training days and 1.5- 2 for non- weight training days for the most part.
  • AstroRocket
    AstroRocket Posts: 119 Member
    I don't run I cycle, once I get going it can be all day. As this IS about running, my sister in law runs 5k everyday.
  • mommy_03
    mommy_03 Posts: 54 Member
    I run 3-4 miles 2-3 times a week
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    I've been running for a little over a year. I run 6 days a week, between 4 to 6 miles everyday, with a longer run of over 10 miles on the weekend. Going to to start training for a marathon next month so my mileage is going to go up. My pace is between 8:30 and 11 depending on the length and type of run I'm doing.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Thanks for all of the responses. :smile: I'm hoping that I can have the endurance to run for miles at a time at least 4 days a wk soon!
    I've been running for a little over a year. I run 6 days a week, between 4 to 6 miles everyday, with a longer run of over 10 miles on the weekend. Going to to start training for a marathon next month so my mileage is going to go up. My pace is between 8:30 and 11 depending on the length and type of run I'm doing.

    Before you started running, could you only run short amts of time, like a minute or so? How long could you run? Thanks.
  • jardin12
    jardin12 Posts: 62 Member
    Took me months to work up to 30 minutes running but once you've done it once you can do it again.
  • jarednuzzi
    I would loosely interpret it as running. I went from doing none about 5 months ago. Now I'm good for 2 miles a day 6 days a week. I can push to three a day but then my dog can't keep up so we comprimise with a few 2.5 mile days.
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    been running for about month, currently do a 5K 5 times a week, building up to a 12K trail run I have in September. I LOVE it!

    I do my 5K in 38 minutes - not that fast I know but I am currently trying to get that time down :)

    *edited to say that I don't RUN the whole way, I alternate between fast jogging and walking when out of breath!
  • Ale99138
    I started trying to accomplish 1 mile run without stopping (felt like I couldn't breath) and worked up to 2 mi/day 6 days/week. I did that for about 1 month before running 5k every day and 10k on weekends. After 3 months I try switching it up with weight training some days. It will just come natural, your body will tell you when you can keep pushing. The time will just keep getting better and better as you go along, the important thing is to keep at it!! You can do it!!!
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    Thanks for all of the responses. :smile: I'm hoping that I can have the endurance to run for miles at a time at least 4 days a wk soon!
    I've been running for a little over a year. I run 6 days a week, between 4 to 6 miles everyday, with a longer run of over 10 miles on the weekend. Going to to start training for a marathon next month so my mileage is going to go up. My pace is between 8:30 and 11 depending on the length and type of run I'm doing.

    Before you started running, could you only run short amts of time, like a minute or so? How long could you run? Thanks.
    When I started last June I couldn't run at all!! Had never run a day in my life. I did the couch to 5K program and just worked my way up from there. Once I hit the 20 minute run in the program, I think it's week 5 day 3, I stopped following it and just started increasing from 20 minutes to 25 to 30. When I was just getting started I ran/walked 3 days a week and after about 3 months of that I started going everyday. And just gradually kept increasing my distance. To date I have done a half marathon race and my longest run so far is 14 miles.
  • Keebler1976
    Keebler1976 Posts: 70 Member
    I started committing to running in January 2013, Started slow but I made it to 3 mi three days a week and 5mi to 6mi on Saturdays by mid-June. Slowed down in August (vacation time) and now back at it, I am doing my first half marathon in February 2014 (25 weeks away) I’ve got some work to do but I’m pumped !!!
  • LearnFromTheRed
    LearnFromTheRed Posts: 294 Member
    I started pretty much unable to do anything. I worked out that a run round the block was exactly a kilometre and started out trying to run that without stopping. It took three or four attempts and then on 1st July I did it - before going out later that evening and doing it again! I had real trouble breathing and didn't expect to get much further.

    The weather here got stupidly hot in July so I spent the month doing intervals on a stationary bike and some light weights. On 31st July I managed to string the two kilometres together and was thrilled to bits.

    That was Wednesday. The following Sunday I ran three, and then did it again the next evening. Two days later, five. Three days after that, seven. Two days after that, ten! I went from 2km to 10km in two and a half weeks.

    My breathing is far less of an issue now - my lesson has been completely a mental thing, not to give up before I've reached my actual limit. I have all kinds of psychological tricks to keep me going and the physical aspect of it seems to be far less of a problem. Don't get me wrong, the 10km was tough and has taken some recovery afterwards, but I went out and did 3km three days later and was fine.

    Next challenges are 15km, and getting faster at shorter distances.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    I run 5 days a week. 3 regular runs 1 speed day (intervals or tempo run) and a long run (10 - 15. Miles). My speed day is what I can cram into 30 mins, currently 3.5 miles. My regular runs are generally my commute home from the office, 5 miles (3 flat, 2 steep hills) pushing my 3 yearold in the stroller. Hard! Depending on heat and number of stops, I may average 13 min miles for those runs. So my pace varies between an 8 min mile to a 13 min mile depending on what I'm doing. Got my average down to 10 min miles for a half marathon now working on 9.

    I've been running consistently since June 2012.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,631 Member
    Runners, what's your limit? How many miles/day can you do and how many days in a row can you go before needing a break because your running is slowing down bc you're doing too much? Please also let me know how long you've been running and what your average speed and distance is. Thanks. :smile:

    I run every other day and after the third training session I have two days off, during that two days I will go to the gym for weights.

    I am building up my mileage now, I run between six and nine miles around 9:20 to 10 mins mile pace, all depending how I feel on the day.

    I measure all of my routes on Gmapspedometer and store them all so I can refer to them at any time.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I'm surprised how many people run consecutive days. Guess I'm afraid of injury. I run about every other day (sometimes take two days off, I never run two days in a row). I run 3-4 miles and since I'm training for a 10 mile run I do one long run a week. I'm up to 8 miles on my long run, increasing a mile each week. My pace is 9-10 min miles. I do strength DVDs twice a week on my off days. Usually 1-2 rest days.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I started pretty much unable to do anything. I worked out that a run round the block was exactly a kilometre and started out trying to run that without stopping. It took three or four attempts and then on 1st July I did it - before going out later that evening and doing it again! I had real trouble breathing and didn't expect to get much further.

    The weather here got stupidly hot in July so I spent the month doing intervals on a stationary bike and some light weights. On 31st July I managed to string the two kilometres together and was thrilled to bits.

    That was Wednesday. The following Sunday I ran three, and then did it again the next evening. Two days later, five. Three days after that, seven. Two days after that, ten! I went from 2km to 10km in two and a half weeks.

    My breathing is far less of an issue now - my lesson has been completely a mental thing, not to give up before I've reached my actual limit. I have all kinds of psychological tricks to keep me going and the physical aspect of it seems to be far less of a problem. Don't get me wrong, the 10km was tough and has taken some recovery afterwards, but I went out and did 3km three days later and was fine.

    Next challenges are 15km, and getting faster at shorter distances.

    Wow. That's impressive. This is going to help me get through the stage of C25K that I'm on. Just gotta keep going, even when it's hard, I guess. Thanks.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    3-4 consecutive days 7-8 miles usually up to 10, unless I'm feeling really motivated. And then I have a proper long run on the weekend.
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    I always take a rest/recovery day after my runs, it protects my legs from injuries and muscles are rebuilt. I'm training for a marathon so my runs are from fast 5 miles to slow 20 miles. I'm big on stretching.

    I started out walking because I was too heavy, then I added short runs at the end of my walks. Then I slowly ran for 20 min, 30 min and increased time each week. Listen to your body. I took my time. It took me two months to run 40 min slowly. Then I lost weight and it got much better.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    3-4 consecutive days 7-8 miles usually up to 10, unless I'm feeling really motivated. And then I have a proper long run on the weekend.

    Am I just hungry or is there a pancake on your bunny's head? :laugh:
    I run for an hour and 10 minutes,
    The last ten minutes are for breathing purposes
    I am an awful lazy runner.
    7 days in and 3 days off.

    I am unfortunately the laziest person.

    I run by time though.
    I often thought of running by mileage but am too lazy.
    I do a 7 minutes a mile
    I could improve but then I would have to let go of the time
    and I guess somewhere in me the timing is more valuable
    I never focused on mileage
    and I really don't tend to focus on focus much

    I have been running for a while if that's important
    :laugh: You're clearly not lazy. If I ran over an hr a day for 7 straight days, I'd need a break, too. It averages out; over 30 days, you run for 21 of those days. Nice job.