Working to Reverse my Type 2 Diabetes

My name is Brett. I am a Diabetic. I was diagnosed in 2018. I've been battling my weight for a while. I used to run about ,3 miles and lifted weights. I became a workaholic and quit working out. I always a big guy since I was a kid but in 1996 I worked about a year and lost 110 pounds. But after 23 years in law enforcement I am the heaviest I've ever been. In December I lost a friend of mine who was overweight and we were friends 20 years. Then In January I lost a friend to Covid-19. I'm tired of my knees hurting and my back aching from my weight. I'm 46 and I need to take better care of myself. I know I can do this. I have to lose about 100 pounds and I have begun my journey.


  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    @brettpreston13 Evenin', Brett. You have a tough job. Harness that energy and discipline for your work and use it as fuel for your fitness protocol. You know how to go about it. You're going to flip the switch. This time next year you'll be writing your weight loss success story.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,843 Member
    Hi, Brett, and welcome to MFP!

    I've read quite a few stories here from people who lost weight and brought their type 2 diabetes under control (I assume it's type 2 that you have?). It's great that you have a background in working out: That will give you a base of knowledge to start from, that not everyone has.

    I started getting active in my 40s, while obese, and with bad knees among other things so I'm familiar in general terms with that situation. Starting slowly, and building gradually, keeping just that nice bit of challenge in it all the time, can lead to some good places.

    I stayed obese quite a while longer, but when I finally lost weight (in 2015, at age 59-60), it did my knees a world of good. For me, discomfort was routine, and actual pain pretty frequent. These days, at a healthy weight, it's mostly down to twinges now and then: Huge difference!

    Have you give some thought to your plan for losing weight with MFP? The community is pretty friendly, and people take all kinds of different paths to success - lots of ideas and resources to draw on.

    Cheering you on, and wishing you much success!
  • forestfreek
    forestfreek Posts: 5,770 Member
    Hey there.....
    I’m so sorry for all you’ve been through with the loss of your friends. That’s rough 😔

    You’ve definitely made the right choice coming to this site. Logging your food daily is a huge help in losing weight and getting healthy. And the support and encouragement from the community is beyond awesome here!!!
    Good luck on your journey. You so can do this!!!!😊
  • nicsheath
    nicsheath Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Brett. I'm also 46 and have been very overweight since my teen years. The crux has come with Type 2 diabetes. I also started today. I am also very tired of my knees hurting!
  • hollylou100
    hollylou100 Posts: 4 Member
    your already taking the right step! Welcome aboard.
    My friend did a very low carb diet which primarily cut out all refined sugars. She reversed her diabetes.
    It will be tough but you got this!!!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    edited January 2021
    Hi Brett! Type 2 here, I had an a1c of 11 when I was diagnosed and brought it down to consistently under 5 with 125 lb weight loss, diet and exercise! You can do it! Getting the weight off is the most important thing but I also had good results using a blood glucose meter after meals and adjusting my meals to stay within limits. And timing my exercise to use the carbs I ate.

    I’m sorry for your losses. The same year I was diagnosed I lost a friend to kidney failure caused by her diabetes and it was a real wake up call. This is life and death for us.