100 days in...

gbarnett2142 Posts: 5 Member
edited January 2021 in Getting Started
I am 100 days into my weight loss/health reboot. I initially lost 165lbs and then regained some after some traumatic stuff and getting lazy. I’m down 35lbs since the start of my reboot at the end of October. I am struggling with self image even though I know I’m on the right path. I’m working hard. What do you do to keep motivated on the days you feel like a lost cause? Or like you aren’t worth the effort?

The photo in the purple shirt is now and the other in the leopard pants is from beginning of October.


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    you are looking GREAT! well done!!!

    and andrea up there made a great point.... normally being stubborn is considered a personality 'flaw'. but in the weight loss game.... it can be your best weapon.
  • SouthWestLondon
    SouthWestLondon Posts: 134 Member
    Well done on your loss since October. It is really noticeable. Imagine what the next hundred days will bring!
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    That's a really big change, you look fab.

    Like Andrea, I kind of have 'tiers' based on my energy levels. Base line is a 30 minute walk - and it can be split into several, if I really don't feel like it. If I'm feeling more energetic, I'll run or do a workout at home. As I'm at the start of my journey, my calorie allowance is high enough to fit pretty much whatever I want in, albeit in smaller portions (and not necessarily all of it on the same day). Either way, it all gets logged.

    I don't think we can rely on motivation to keep us going all the time, which is why habits and routines (and a good dose of stubbornness or competitiveness) are a useful tool.

    I am not sure how to make you feel like you are worth it, except that past you is so proud of what you've achieved, and future you will be so very grateful if you keep going.