Phenetermine and low thyroid

Going on week 3 and my weight loss is only 3lbs. Has anyone else experienced slow weight loss with phenetermine and having a low thyroid


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    edited January 2021
    Reducing your calorie intake is what causes weight loss not phentermine.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,338 Member
    Losing 1lb per week isn't particularly slow. How much weight do you need to lose? What weight loss rate have you selected on MFP? Are you weighing and logging your food?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,839 Member
    If your hypothyroidism is properly treated (not just TSH restored to normal, but also proper T3/T4 conversion or medication for that), a hypothyroid person can expect to lose weight pretty much like anyone else does ** . . .

    . . . which doesn't mean it's always easy. I'm severely hypothyroid, properly medicated, lost weight just fine once I got my regimen straight, maintained a healthy weight for 5 years since. The things that account for slow weight loss in hypo people are usually the same things that account for slow loss in non-hypo people (inaccurate food logging - which all of us do for a while, because it's a learning process; uncounted cheat days or binges; overestimating exercise calories; . . . among others).

    That said, as others have mentioned, a pound a week on average is a good loss rate for most people, unless severely obese (in which case *a little* faster may be OK, especially if under close medical supervision), or very close to goal weight (in which case a pound a week might be faster than ideal for minimum health risks). I feel like reality TV (Biggest Loser is the classic) and tabloid/blog headlines ("Lose 20 pounds in 30 days with Doctor XYZ diet!!!") have done us a big disservice by convincing us that fast weight loss is normal or healthy, when pretty much any sensible mainstream source will recommend a pound or two loss per week as a maximum.

    ** If you haven't, I suggest reading this. It's excellent background info: