Couple running related questions?

I've been seriously running this time for about a month now. Right now, I'm running 2 1/2 mins, walking briskly 1 1/2 mins. (Mon, that will change to 3 mins run/1 min walk) & so far, so good on my knee, although the past few days it has been a bit tight...but that's not my question. I'm keeping an eye on it & take rest days every 3 days or so. I'm enjoying it - whoda thunk the girl who did anything to get out of gym class in school (in fact I actually did end up getting a medical excuse in 8th grade because of The Knee...) would now find a hobby running!?!

So..on to the questions. May 3, 2012, I lit up a cigarette, looked at it & said "I don't want to do this anymore", & stopped after that *kitten*. Cold turkey. In fact, I still have the pack with that final unsmoked cig sitting on my table. I figure if I can make it through all the cravings, stress, & everything else with it sitting there, easy reach, I'm good to go! I've had not even a puff since then. I'm not exposed to smoke. However, lately, when I start to run, I start coughing like a smoker's cough. I cough & it feels like I'm going to bring something up, but I never do. I'd say it could be allergies if it happened @ other times, too, but I only cough when I'm running. Is this normal?

Question 2. Hmm...trying to be delicate...oh, hell. Seems when I get to around 15 mins in, I feel like I gotta poop. I mean "squishy", too. Sorry, I know it's kinda gross, sorry, sorry. I use the bathroom right before I change to run, so it's not like I'm holding it for hours. Sometimes, I wait for a while to see if it's a "time" thing, but nope, about 15 mins into the run, here comes that feeling again! I just don't know what it could be? Is THIS normal?

You all here seem to usually have some good advice, so I thought I'd post & ask...maybe I'd get some help. (after you stop laughing! :blushing: )


  • slmakar
    slmakar Posts: 7
    Cough: normal

    Your body is just clearing out all that crud that has built up on your lungs from smoking. Your airways are coated with these tiny fibers called cilia, which protect and remove crud from getting into your lungs. In a smoker, the tar coats these cilia, preventing them from keeping the airway clear. When you quit smoking, the tar starts to come loose, resulting in a cough. Since it usually lasts up to a couple of months, it may not hurt to bring it up to your doc, just to rule out anything else.

    Second question: I think what you are referring to is runners trots. Also normal.

    I'm not an expert on it, but I know there are ALOT of sites out there with advice. Maybe someone else here has some pointers.
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    I don't know about cough but "poopy feeling" thing is pretty common between runners, it's just nobody talks about it much for obvious reasons, lol.
    It's basically caused by that up and down movement you make when you run, you move your bovels and shake them up. So that's why you have an urge to empty them. Eating or drinking something before run might help. Get your bovels moving before you run. Does not have to be much, you are not supposed to ate much before you run cos you will get cramps anyways, but a little thing like apple maybe or coffee. Or even a full meal if you can take time to digest it before you run, like a hour or so. Or drink something when you run, a water for example, carry a bottle with you. And yea, taking a dump before run (and AFTER you have put something in your mouth) helps too lol.
  • ktpod1
    ktpod1 Posts: 83 Member
    Ha! You are brave to ask the poo question! Sorry I have no suggestions but only to say I notoce rumbly noises and hope they sound like hunger pains and not,,,, know sounds. :D
  • Sonj1973
    Sonj1973 Posts: 188 Member
    Hi there :) I've been scouting around the net looking for info and running yourself I've just started myself, niggling aches and pains etc, Stopped smoking 3 yr ago still, get a cough as though something is stuck to my tubes but nothing comes up etc...(sexy hey) lol.... More so since I started running also feel as though my lung capacity is considerably smaller than it should and find regulating my breathing difficult at mo!

    The runners trots apparently is common in newbies, but the symptoms apparently get less as you keep going! Only what I've rad up on nothing matter of fact, but just surf the net lots of sites offering pretty good info :) Good luck with the running :)
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I just started running also...Couch to 5k program. I love it. I never ever thought I'd like running. Never thought I could either (asthma). And look at us go!!!

    As for your knee...I also have a knee that loves to hate me and shin splints. My doctor recommended I take a couple ibuprofen 30 minutes before I go out. So just depending on what's up with your knee that may help...

    I agree with slmakar that your lungs just want to get everything out. It wants to do that to make more room for the air. I'm sure in time this will dwindle down as you continue to get healthy.

    I haven't really experienced the runners trots thing...Though I'll be paying attention now to see...but I have heard of it doing that to people. Like someone else suggested maybe try to eat something 30 minutes or so before you go to make your digestive tract focus on something else? I always try to eat an hour before any workout, even if it's just a snack, so that may be why I haven't really experienced this.

    High five on quitting smoking! That's awesome!!!
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    Thanks all!

    As far as my knee goes, I saw a doctor last year for it when it was horribly painful and I had to stop running for a while. I now run with a knee brace and have a prescription Naproxen I take when it gets real bad. I hesitate to take any other pain meds (ibuprofen/acetaminophen et al) because I am a migraineur, so I tend to take them only when my head pains get really bad. Knock wood - I've been pretty good so far.

    I didn't know the other feeling had a name! lol I actually did some looking up on-line about it & found some cool sites with some pretty good advice. Thanx!! I also saw some other sites with other 5K's...could get I'll keep an eye...?..ear..? umm...I'll pay attention to it & see how it goes. I didn't have them today, hopefully my asking let them know I'm on to them! HA!

    And I know all about the lungs clearing out after smoking, but surely after a year and 3 months, they should be clear by now! And I've been consistently running for a month now and it's only been happening for the past couple of weeks. Hm...hopefully they will all be clear soon!

    Thanks all! Who knew getting fit & healthy would come with all these questions?
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    As far as the runner's trots, keep an eye on what you are eating the day before and day of your runs. It is usually caused by something that your body just doesn't agree with. You will have to play around, but eventually you will find what works for you and stick to that before you run.

    As far as the coughing. I quit smoking in December, and it took about a month or two for the coughing to clear. So what you maybe experiencing is exercise enduced asthma. Focus on how you are breathing. Make sure you are going slow enough that you could hold a conversation if someone were running next to you. And finding the breathing rhythm that works for you.