Recommendations for scale with body fat percentage

Speakeasy76 Posts: 961 Member
edited January 2021 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm looking for recommendations for a somewhat affordable scale with body fat percentage. I know they're not all that accurate, but perhaps one that seems to not be too far off.

What I have now is an Abyon, but I've noticed my body fat %age correlates directly to the pounds, even if it's just a couple of pounds of water weight that I've lost or gained. For example, the other day I supposedly lost .6% body fat in one day--not possible.


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I've always found two sensor models (hands only or feet only) to just be good for having a laugh at the silly numbers they give but useless for getting any reliable data.

    I did use some domestic Omron scales with both hand and feet sensors and it was a rather better guide than using a BodPod - mainly because a lot more data points meant obvious false readings could be discarded/ignored and the trend revealed quicker.

    Using all BIA devices (including commercial grade ones) does require consistency of conditions to minimise wild fluctuations in fat and muscle scores caused by hydration changes. Think trending over time, not absolute truth on any one day.
    IMHO they also need an element of sang froid to ignore daft readings and not get discouraged.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ditto to Omron double sensors scale - but they aren't the cheapest.

    The scales that claim the simplest also mean relying on statistical averages even more, so they can be thrown off the most.
    If it wants age, gender, height, mine even asks for neck size, even better. Athlete option even better.

    But don't pay extra for breakdown beyond BF%, the muscle, water, bone, ect breakout is really silly.
    Sometimes they'll do metabolism too, which is nothing more than BMR formula using Katch and BF%. Not needed.

    I guess like this, and it appears Omron had to jump on the bandwagon with extra
  • MandyCMN
    MandyCMN Posts: 17 Member
    Renpho scales
  • hulldon1
    hulldon1 Posts: 10 Member
    My scales are Salter Analyser scales, the cheap ones. I have had them 6 years and they stay in one place. Ideally place them on a hard floor and never move them. Mine have been lifted once to change the batteries.