Lose 5lbs + in February 2021

suzievv Posts: 410 Member
Hi All,
I'd like to restart the "Lose 5 pounds" thread that used to be a monthly thing but has been out for a while. I like the goal of 5 pounds a month. Please post and join me this month if you'd like.

Copying from the original "Lose 5 pounds +" thread:

Anyone can join or leave as they please, this is an open friendly challenge, all that is asked is that you support and respect each other on this thread.

This is the format to use :

Original starting weight -
February starting weight -
February goal -
Ultimate goal -

1st -
15th -
22nd -
28th -

Total loss for February-

Just adjust the dates to fit you. Update as often or as little as you like. Feel free to share thoughts, ideas and experiences, as well as struggles so we can support you and possibly try new things for ourselves..... what doesn’t work for one just may work for another.