***๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€FEBRUARY 2021 WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE****๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,224 Member
    I am Donna from the Midwest USA. I am 60 years old. 5โ€™ 5โ€ tall. My original highest weight was 253.

    Feb Start Weight (from Jan 31st 2021) : 207.6
    Feb Goal Weight: 202.6
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-155 (Iโ€™ll know when I get there)


    Feb 01: . 207.6 No overnight change.

    Feb 05: 208.6 Drats!

    Feb 12: 206.0 I canโ€™t tell you how relieved I am!

    Feb 19: 204.8 Trending down consistently, even on the days that fluctuate upward on the scale a bit so I am a happy camper this week overall.

    Feb 26: 207.2 I had a bad week filled with Chinese food.

    Feb 28:
  • chloeguo
    chloeguo Posts: 235 Member
    Starting Weight(Jan 1): 150.4 lbs
    Feb Start Weight: 141.2 lbs
    Feb Goal Weight: 135.5
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 112

    Feb 5: 141.4
    Feb 12: 139.8
    Feb 19: 138
    Feb 26: 136.4
    Feb 28:
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,603 Member

    Heaviest weight: 175.4 in early 2013.
    Original MFP starting weight (January 2018) - 168.2
    January 31 (February Starting Weight): - 153.2 (10-day average 153.7)
    February goal - 148
    Ultimate goal - Range between 142 - 148

    I report scale weight and (ten day average weight), and I post on Saturdays.

    January 31: 153.2 (10-day average 153.7)
    February 6: 155.1 (10-day average 154.5)
    February 13: 154.6 (10-day average 154.7)
    February 20: 157.0 (10-day average 155.0)
    February 27: 156.2 (10-day average 155.2)
    February 28:

    Total loss for February: All I can say is maybe March will be a good month.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Start weight (28/11/2019): 72kg
    February Start Weight: 61.3kg
    February Goal Weight: 60kg
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 55-57kg

    Feb1 : 61.3kg
    Feb 5: 61.2kg
    Feb13: 61.3kg
    Feb 19: 60.9kg
    Feb 27: 60.2kg

    Walking 26km last Saturday made my weight shoot up for days, I guess from my body mending parts of me I didnโ€™t know were in need of it. It came back down today just in time for this weigh in.

    With not much left to lose, Iโ€™m happy with 1kg a month. The slower I go the less of a change maintenance will be.
  • Pinappleupsidedowncake
    6lbs off this month. Not too bad and target met ๐Ÿ˜Š next month's goal is to get out of the 13s ๐Ÿคž Well done everyone and good luck for next month x

    Original weight (30th Dec 2020) - 15st 1lb

    February Start Weight:13st 12lbs
    February Goal Weight:13st 7lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight:10st

    Feb1 : 13st 12lbs
    Feb 8: 13st 11.5lbs
    Feb15: 13 stone 8.5lbs
    Feb 22: 13st 7.5lbs
    Feb 28:13st 6lbs
  • Pinappleupsidedowncake
    Is there going to be a March group? Find it really helpful to log each week and have a bit of accountability ๐Ÿ˜Š
  • sassbag
    sassbag Posts: 162 Member
    Is there going to be a March group? Find it really helpful to log each week and have a bit of accountability ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Yes just setting one up now
  • sassbag
    sassbag Posts: 162 Member
    Here is the link for the March challenge, I think we have a good thing going here, lots of lovley friendly Members taking part, would love to see you all join the next one๐Ÿ˜€

  • Pinappleupsidedowncake
    Is there going to be a March group? Find it really helpful to log each week and have a bit of accountability ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Yes just setting one up now

    Brilliant, thank you x
  • kahthompson1
    kahthompson1 Posts: 70 Member
    I am in, thanks

    Feb starting weight is 218
    Feb goal weight is 210
    Actual weight is 208.4
    Total weight loss for Feb is 9.6

    Keeping on track. now on to next month
  • Mariamamjad
    Mariamamjad Posts: 83 Member
    Weight as of Jan 24: 200 lbs

    February Start Weight:196.6 lbs
    February Goal Weight: 190 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130 lbs

    Feb1 : 196.6 lbs (-2.6)
    Feb 8: 194.4 lbs (-2.4)
    Feb15: 193.6 lbs (-0.8)
    Feb 22: 191.8 lbs (-1.8)
    Feb 28: 189.4 (-2.4)

    I'm super happy with my progress this month, and can't wait to see what march brings ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช
  • jazzadesigns
    jazzadesigns Posts: 476 Member
    February Start Weight: 248.4
    February Goal Weight: 245
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 170

    Feb1 : 248.4
    Feb 8: 252.8
    Feb15: 249.6
    Feb 22: 248.6
    Feb 28: 246.0

    Well I missed my monthly goal weight by 1 lb but Iโ€™m happy with that. Onward to March!
  • tapwaters
    tapwaters Posts: 428 Member
    February Start Weight: 177
    February Goal Weight: 171 (now 167)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130

    Feb1 : 177
    Feb 8: 175 (-2)
    Feb15: 172 (-3)
    Feb 22: 170 (-2)
    Feb 28: 168.5 (-1.5)

    Woohoo! 1.5 below first goal and close to updated.
  • mandabeth34
    mandabeth34 Posts: 158 Member
    Weight as of 12/28/20: 136.1 lbs
    February Start Weight: 132.3
    February Goal Weight: 127
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 125

    Feb1 : 132.3
    Feb 8: 133.6
    Feb 22:
    Feb 26: 130.6
    Feb 28: 129.5

    Happy to have made it back into the 120โ€™s. I havenโ€™t been there since my calf injury last September. Onto March for the final weight loss push. After that Iโ€™m planning to maintain to focus on strength, flexibility and stability. Great job everyone, see you in March!
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    February Start Weight: 130
    February Goal Weight: 126
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 120

    February 1: 130
    February 8: 129
    February 15: 127
    February 22: 125
    February 28: 126.5

    Well, I came close, but missed my goal by half a pound and gained 1.5 pounds in a week. Yes, a little disappointed. However, telling myself about the positive changes Iโ€™ve made and putting that into perspective helps:
    - No longer using heavy whipping cream, or half and half in my coffee. Now using 1/4 frothed skim with a half tsp of sugar.
    - Exercising daily.
    - Drinking at least 36 oz of seltzer, still aiming for 64 oz.
    - Eating more fruit and vegetables.
    - Not eating huge desserts every day.
    - Stopped fog snacking.
    - Learned how to stop eating when Iโ€™m full.

    Posted this, just in case anyone else needs a little reminder to keep going, especially when the scale doesnโ€™t move or moves in the wrong direction.
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    edited February 2021
    January Start Weight: 168.2
    February Start Weight: 163.8
    February Goal Weight: 159.8 Achieved
    New Goal Weight: 157.6 Achieved
    February End Weight: 156.8
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 125 per nutritionist (was 130, self-set)

    Feb 1: 163.8
    Feb 8: 161.6
    Feb 15: 159.6 Goal!
    Feb 22: 158.4
    Feb 28: 156.8 New goal!

    Total Weight Lost: -7

    Happy of course with this but too fast maybe. New medication may have helped my loss along this month. Had a big drop after starting meds.

  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    edited February 2021
    Original MFP weight: 297.6
    February Start Weight:278.8
    February Goal Weight:268.8
    Ultimate Goal Weight:205

    Feb1 : 278.8
    Feb 8: 272.4
    Feb15: 268.0
    Feb 22: 262.6
    Feb 28: 260.6

    This past few days were an exercise in "weight loss is not linear". I lost a bit, stayed the same for a couple of days, went up a bit and then went down a pound. Because I know those bumps will happen, I try not to get down when I see the scale go up a bit - as long as I'm honest with myself and can look back on the previous day and know I did what I needed to do, I know it will eventually reflect on the scale. Overall, February was a good month and looking forward to March!


  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,224 Member
    I am Donna from the Midwest USA. I am 60 years old. 5โ€™ 5โ€ tall. My original highest weight was 253.

    Feb Start Weight (from Jan 31st 2021) : 207.6
    Feb Goal Weight: 202.6
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-155 (Iโ€™ll know when I get there)


    Feb 01: . 207.6 No overnight change.

    Feb 05: 208.6 Drats!

    Feb 12: 206.0 I canโ€™t tell you how relieved I am!

    Feb 19: 204.8 Trending down consistently, even on the days that fluctuate upward on the scale a bit so I am a happy camper this week overall.

    Feb 26: 207.2 I had a bad week filled with Chinese food.

    Feb 28: 207.0 Total weight loss this month 0.6 I will be happy with that since I usually only gain in the winter. See you all in the next round!
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,603 Member

    Heaviest weight: 175.4 in early 2013.
    Original MFP starting weight (January 2018) - 168.2
    January 31 (February Starting Weight): - 153.2 (10-day average 153.7)
    February goal - 148
    Ultimate goal - Range between 142 - 148

    I report scale weight and (ten day average weight), and I post on Saturdays.

    January 31: 153.2 (10-day average 153.7)
    February 6: 155.1 (10-day average 154.5)
    February 13: 154.6 (10-day average 154.7)
    February 20: 157.0 (10-day average 155.0)
    February 27: 156.2 (10-day average 155.2)
    February 28: 153.6 (10-day average 155.0)

    Total loss for February: Today was a better day to end with than yesterday, but it still was NOT a successful month for managing my mass. Will I do better in March? Stay tuned to find out.