Motivation to get started

I lost close to 70lbs after the birth of my son and was able to maintain it for over a year. But then covid came along and I gained a lot back. I know how to lose weight and to focus on baby steps etc. But as much as I want to lose the weight, I have zero motivation to get started. Any tips on getting motivation to get started? Once I get past the first few days/week, I can keep going...but its getting started that is the hard part for me.


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Start logging your food. Don’t change anything in your diet just yet. Do this for a week. At the end of the week see if you can make any small changes. Does not take much effort to log your food. It is pretty easy with MFP.
  • 7rainbow
    7rainbow Posts: 161 Member
    I was totally the same, it took me forever to start. Here is my advice!
    1) Set a goal. Whether it is fitting into those pants or losing 10 lbs, find somewhere to start. If you can't measure progress somehow, you will be more likely to give up.
    2) Just start counting calories. Don't even worry about changing your eating yet. When I saw how much I was eating and saw MFP tell me "in five weeks you will weigh ____", and that weight was 5 lbs heavier than I am, it really kicked my butt in gear to make a change.
    3) Get your family on board. I wasn't very motivated and struggled to eat healthy, but once I talked to the fam about how our eating habits weren't great, everyone agreed and was ready to make a change. Having other people to help make you accountable really really helps. And it is even better when they want to go on a health journey too!
    Hope these help a little, feel free to add me if you want anogher supportive friend! Cheers!
  • AndreaTamira
    AndreaTamira Posts: 272 Member
    I know you said you know about taking baby steps. But in my experience knowing what to do helps litlle if one does not either truly want to do it or has a plan that leaves little room for procrastination.

    So, make a plan. Set very clear expectations of what to do and when to start so you cannot procrastinate on this without it being obvious to yourself that you did not do as planned.

    Don't put too much on the plan for the start. Just "log all food, starting this Monday morning." is fine. No need to restrict calories. But, add onto your plan when to reevaluate to add the next step. A week, a month. Whatever you think will work. Then, when that point comes, add something new. Restricting calories, or adding daily walks (with defined minimum steps or minimum minutes) or cutting out certain unhealthy foods, or anything else you can think of that may be helpful to you. Decide when to reevaluate that. Continue on till you have a weight loss program that works for you.

    Also, try to forget the idea that you need to be motivated to change your habits or get healthier. Motivation is fleeting. There'll be tons of times you won't be motivated. Sometimes weight loss is like back at uni, or like being at work, where you put in the effort not because you want to (though you may want to reach the result this will give you), but simply because this is the task at hand you have to deal with.

  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,322 Member
    Who ever talked us into thinking we have to "feel" motivated to get something done?

    I've long realized feeling motivated makes doing the work easier. But, I can NOT feel motivated and still do the work. The results are the same... I lose weight or maintain..which ever is my goal.

    You've done this before. You know what to do. Start. Motivation will visit. Some long visits, some short.. sometimes it leaves for a while.

    Darn that motivation!