I just keep falling off the wagon



  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    I’m also struggling without the gym. I really loved going to the gym environment. I hate exercising outside of the gym. I know weight loss is mostly about nutrition, but when I’m going to the gym too- I eat better as I just feel stronger in myself and not like a fat slob. I just find exercising at home really weird. Like getting that sweaty in my own home just feels wrong. Any suggestions ? Because loosing a bunch of weight without much exercise just isn’t great. I know I need to stay strong as I have health problems which require me to keep fit for my long term health ( I mean this is true for everyone but even more so for me ). Maybe I could start off with some yoga ? Better than nothing. I got myself a treadmill which I’m not even using as much as I should, as by the time my daughter goes to bed I’m just exhausted.

    Getting sweaty outside instead - walk/run/hike/open water swimming/outdoor sports I've even seen folks working out with their weights in one of our local parks.

    Dumbbell/Calisthenics routines or Yoga/Pilates on Youtube.
  • qhob_89
    qhob_89 Posts: 105 Member
    I’m a habitual starter/fall off the wagon individual- this go round has been the longest I’ve stayed on MFP. This go round I’ve actually been successful, it’s also been the easiest go round. Coincidence? No. As someone who has done what you’re doing multiple times, my first tip is make it easier for yourself! I always shot out of the gates hot, restricted to 1200, sometimes I’d add in exercise, wouldn’t eat calories back. Within 3 weeks I’d be burnt out and right back on the binge wagon beating myself up. I started using the forums and reading a ton, learned so much stuff I wish I would have been reading and understanding the first 10 times I tried to do this! Don’t restrict yourself to a painful point- it won’t end well. I’ve learned patience in the process, there are no hard numbers for me anymore- No hard calorie limit (other than maintenance), no hard goal date, no hard goal weight. I have a “goal weight” and a rough guideline of dates for mini goals along the way, but I’m not married to it! If I never hit that weight, I’ll be okay with that as long as I feel better about myself than I did when I got started. I’ll have better habits, healthier weight, and something I can maintain long term. That’s a win as I’ve never been successful in making that lifestyle change. I’d rather it take 20-52 weeks to lose my 30(ish) lbs than try to loose it in 15 and throw in the towel within the first 3. I now eat in a range everyday to avoid being upset with myself if I miss that hard number, feeling defeated, and quitting. I’ve avoided bingeing as I haven’t restricted myself too tightly. I eat between 1200 (extreme loss) and 1800 (Maint). More often than not I am eating over 1200, but that doesn’t bother me anymore.

    From what I calculated your maintenance is right around 2000. It will do you no good to eat half of that! I think it will also be helpful to figure out when you like to eat. Some people like a big meal for breakfast as it fills them up and they can avoid snacking or hunger for a good portion of their day, I’ve never been a breakfast person- coffee for me. Some people don’t do lunch, others have that as their big meal. Some have large dinner, some have small. Some eat volume, some graze. It’s helpful to figure out when your body is wanting to be fed- this will avoid the restrict/binge merry-go-round!
    As far as your exercise, start small! (I’m no fitness guru, so there’s some others on here who could be really helpful on this front!!) It was always another source of burnout for me. If you want it to be successful- feed yourself properly so it doesn’t feel like moving mountains! Yoga, walking on the treadmill are good starting points. If the weather is suitable, put your baby in a stroller and walk- you’ll be surprised how much of a burn this is, it kept me in shape through pregnancies and helped shed postpartum weight.

    That was a novel on my 2 cents, but I wish you luck!!!