Gained 100 lbs after losing 209 lbs

I'm ready to change. Mfp lent me great success back in '14 & '15. Back then I weighed 380 lbs. Using this app, I lost 209 lbs over 16 months and kept it off for about 4 years. After that time my life changed. My bf and I moved in together. In 2017 I got pg with my oldest daughter. It was hard for me to accept that I'd have another child. The 11 year old I already had was enough. Never the less, she came. Shortly after she was born my bf lost his job. That was our only income. It was tough. The same day he was let go, my mother has a stroke. Dealing with her needs and prioritizing my family vs my mother left precious little time for self-care. I gained about 30 lbs. Fortunately, it only took about 2 months for my man to find a great paying job with excellent benefits. Unfortunately it was 2nd shift and 12 hours. What little help I had around the house was gone. Then, when my daughter was just 9 months old, I found out about the twins. At my age twins was a very risky undertaking. My body couldn't hack it. I developed type 1 diabetis and could not control my sugar bc of chronic morning sickness. My babies only had a few complications. Each of them had a separate form of inter uterine growth deficiency. One of my babies weighed 3lbs 10 oz and the other 4lbs 5oz though they were full term. We left the hospital with just one of them. While she was hospitalized I gained every lb I had lost during the pregnancy. It was hard to feed two babies 30 miles apart. Somehow I did it and she joined our family at home. Those babies are about to be one. Having 3 kids under 3 was stressful on my relationship and my self esteem disappeared. Feeling lost and lonely made me so angry. No one was available to support with all these children. The covid pandemic and social distancing made everything much worse. I feel so isolated. There is no adult interaction to be had. Since March of 2020 I've been comforting myself with food. Now, I realize I cannot live like this. Over the past ten months I gained 100 lbs. It really is time for me to do better.


  • AstraL12
    AstraL12 Posts: 47 Member
    Sorry to hear you've had such a terrible time. And good on you for taking the steps to make a change !!
    I rejoined MFP last week after having 2 failed attempts in the past and everyone I've interacted with on here is so supportive and helpful.. even on the bad days.
    I've sent you a friend request.
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    I am not in the best space myself like you had a good weight loss using mfp around the same time .. It came back with a few extra.. was on a pretty good streak logging and losing until the last month than like you life stress took over ,my brain shut off and my mouth opened up.. in the process of digging out.. I will send you a friend request I am trying to build a support network of people at all different stages of the journey.. for me even just checking in everyday helps the bad days not just successes..
  • LisaGetsMoving
    LisaGetsMoving Posts: 664 Member
    Oh honey, it will get better. Someday. Keep logging in here, give yourself some attention. You've been through a lot of changes, good and bad, and you have it within you to rise above. In a couple of years, all the kids will be in school. Between now and then, you're going to need to be fit so you can chase after them, and show them what a strong woman their mama is!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited February 2021
    Wow, that's a LOT! On the bright side, you're still 109 pounds down from your highest weight. That's super impressive. :flowerforyou:

    With all that you've got going on, baby steps and patience are going to be your best friends. What is one baby step you can take right now, to move you toward your goal?