Rotisserie Chicken

MsCzar Posts: 1,074 Member
Yeah yeah, we all know the first day involves delicious chicken and the last day involves making chicken broth/soup. What are your fave recipes to make with rotisserie chicken? Do you use any of it as a prep-ahead ingredient? Maybe shred some and individually portion/freeze for later? If so, do you pre-season (as in tacos or curry) before freezing?

Ideas welcomed! :)


  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,989 Member
    I use rotisserie chicken as a shortcut all the time.

    I typically use it in stir-frys or risotto. It's a real time-saver to just throw it in a pan with vegetables, rice, and a sauce. For those uses, I cut it up into small chucks (not shredded).

    We usually get to it all before having to freeze any, but if I do, I freeze it unseasoned, as I'm not sure what it will be used for.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 8,026 Member
    Day 1. Roast chicken with baked potato and salad. You can do steamed jacket pottoes in the microwave. Pierce in several places with a fork to prevent explosions and microwave on high 6-9 minutes depending on wattage of microwave and quantity of potato. I like to microwave 2-3 minutes to cut down on cooking time and then finish 20 minutes in the air fryer or convection oven for a dryer texture. On day 1 concentrate on eating bone-y bits such as wings, backbone and drumsticks because thighs and breasts are easier to deal with as leftovers.

    Day 2. Hack's Mexican salad. A chopped up avocado, a jar of commercial salsa, a handful of roughly chopped coriander and some diced leftover cold chicken. Have that in a soft taco shell or a wrap. I have never done it, but a small tin of drained corn (eventually toasted in a dry skillet) would probably be nice in this.

    Day 3. Avgolemono soup. For two people boil 2 cups of water, throw in a chicken stock cube and a small handful of rice. Boil until rice is tender. Zest and juice a lemon and toss that in with your shredded leftover chicken. Temper an egg, by beating in a small bowl, ladle in some hot soup and beat again. Then turn the heat very low before stirring in the tempered egg until soup thickens slightly. Serve this with a greek salad (tomatoes, cucumber, olives, optional red shallot, feta, oil and lemon).

    Day Infinity. Save all the bones and pop them in a ziplock bag in the freezer. On a day you will be pottering around at home, simmer all the bones with a halved onion (skin and all is okay) in a big pot for 5 hours. Boil down furiously 20 minutes at the end before straining to concentrate the stock so it takes less room in the freezer. Use this for making soups, risottos, and gravies.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 8,026 Member
    Other favourite uses for cold leftover chicken you might want to google are coronation chicken and Vietnamese summer rolls with chicken. I like chicken caesar too.
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 989 Member
    Mostly I just chop it up and freeze in 100g portions for adding to my lunch salads.

    Sometimes I'll add roasted chicken to a stirfry.

    The carcass (and skin) get simmered for an hour or so in a big pot with about 1-1.5 litres of water. Then I fish all that out and add a load of chopped veg to the chickeny water. Whilst that's simmering away, I pick any meat off the bones and set it aside. Larger bones get thrown back in with the veg. Eventually I have chicken & veg soup. Fish out the bones, mash the veg (I don't bother blending it), add back any chicken pieces - and that's lunch for the next few days.