Rant About Track Etiquette



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Do you stop to talk to these terrible folks about how they are ruining your day, or do you continue with the passive-aggressive behaviour and hope they read your mind?
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I'm glad that some people understand the frustration of having to deal with people who can't think outside their own bubbles and be courteous to others.

    Anyone find this comment from the OP to be deliciously ironic and hilarious?

    That, and the reference to "common courtesy", which they are clearly not offering themselves.

    Obladi oblada...
  • Dbernier1981
    Dbernier1981 Posts: 39 Member
    I jog this 3 1/2 mile stretch this summer and I have had some pet peeves myself. Once I slowed to power walk and a women was barking "coming behind you, I am going fast"...I was all the way to the right...why did she not do like everyone else (like I do when I go faster then the right most person)...go around. I hear you about families taking up whole space...I should not have to push through anyone when I am jogging. But for the most part I am pretty happy that people are pretty courteous.Otherwise I try to go with the "zen" of being in our walking/jogging
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    "I googled track etiquette....... and then I chose to ignore everything I read. Now I try to bully old people and small women pushing strollers because in my mind it makes me a bad *kitten*"
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I jog this 3 1/2 mile stretch this summer and I have had some pet peeves myself. Once I slowed to power walk and a women was barking "coming behind you, I am going fast"...I was all the way to the right...why did she not do like everyone else (like I do when I go faster then the right most person)...go around. I hear you about families taking up whole space...I should not have to push through anyone when I am jogging. But for the most part I am pretty happy that people are pretty courteous. Always has to be someone who ruins the "zen" of being in our walking/jogging

    A woman annoyed you by letting you know she was coming up behind you? SMDH.
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member

    It sucks enough to deal with these people when I'm out in other public places like the store buying groceries and waiting in line to pay bills, etc, but it's a lot worse when I'm actually exerting a lot of physical effort and feeling all sweaty and gross and I have to dodge people who can't get it together.

    Op you do realize the track is a public place right?
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...I've also seen this one family there where the parents walk the track and let their kid kick his soccer ball back and forth all the lanes in front of people running instead of having him stay in the middle on the football field. I've almost tripped over him or the ball like 5 times from him cutting me off

    That would annoy me. So rude. :angry:

    I run on trails cross-country. There are only two things that bother me, but neither one makes me angry. I don't dwell on it, since most people are awesome, but this thread made me think of them.

    The first is people who are stopping in the middle of the path (blocking it completely) to chat or who are moving slowly and refusing to step aside, thereby forcing me to stop my run and say "excuse me" or making me careen off the trail to pass them. This kind of disruption while running just kills my momentum and drains my energy. Thankfully, this is rarely a problem, as 9 out of 10 people politely step aside when they see someone moving faster than them and needing to get by.

    The other is when I'm running up a hill (it's very hilly terrain where I run) and now and then someone will see me and start cheering for me to make it and then they say, "high-five" as I'm going by. I don't want to be rude, and I know they mean well, so I high-five them, but it really takes the wind out of my sails when this happens. Running uphill isn't easy, so having to exert extra effort to high-five people on my way up really takes it out of me. I appreciate that you think it's cool that I'm running uphill, but I'm giving it all I've got, and dealing with cheerleaders almost puts me over the edge. :laugh:
  • Dbernier1981
    Dbernier1981 Posts: 39 Member
    No when I turned around to see who was yelling, she was actually waving me over like she wanted me to go on grass which was just so odd to me. Otherwise I would not have been irked. I was as far right as I could be without being on grass.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Hehe. So many people on here claim they hate working out in public because people yell mean things at them because they're fat. And now a complaint because random strangers are extremely supportive.

    I give up
  • Dbernier1981
    Dbernier1981 Posts: 39 Member
    I was trying to relate in a small way to this person who started this post. Why are people being so crazy rude on these posts anyways. I might stop going on these and stick to smaller friend blogs since people are not encouraging, they are more ill mannered and don't read full posts
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    No when I turned around to see who was yelling, she was actually waving me over like she wanted me to go on grass which was just so odd to me. Otherwise I would not have been irked. I was as far right as I could be without being on grass.

    she wanted you to go on the grass?? that b!tch.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I only use a track for sprint intervals. Do people really bring babies in strollers there? Seems like the worst place ever to take a kid. I notice that people break the speed rules all the time. Since I'm doing sprints, I will always take one of the inside lanes, and hate when I have to run around a jogger who should be in lane 8.

    I actually forgot that one but yes it happens all the time. And they invariably want to be in lanes 1-3, even though those are the most worn down lanes due to heavy use. In point three of my original post, they were actually holding the baby's hands and walking him across all the lanes to the inner field, and many parents will show up and walk around the track all linked together like that.

    I believe the parents might have formed a passive protest group. Against you knocking their children over...
  • Dbernier1981
    Dbernier1981 Posts: 39 Member
    I am not seeing a lot of support on here. All I am saying is I try to say things to people to be productive and encouraging. I see mocking and joking at others expense on this post especially 90 percent of the posts. I saw same thing on the last post I saw. "Supportive" was the last thing I saw as a majority. I was just saying I was hoping more people would use the golden rule and show more kindness and encouragement. That being said. I will continue to support and give any info I have to people who ask for it. :)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    Hehe. So many people on here claim they hate working out in public because people yell mean things at them because they're fat. And now a complaint because random strangers are extremely supportive.

    I give up

    Really makes you wonder, don't it?
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    You are the kind of person I would trip, totally on accident of course.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I am not seeing a lot of support on here. All I am saying is I try to say things to people to be productive and encouraging. I see mocking and joking at others expense on this post especially 90 percent of the posts. I saw same thing on the last post I saw. "Supportive" was the last thing I saw as a majority. I was just saying I was hoping more people would use the golden rule and show more kindness and encouragement. That being said. I will continue to support and give any info I have to people who ask for it. :)

    You should start a thread about it. The people will come, I promise.
  • Dbernier1981
    Dbernier1981 Posts: 39 Member
    Haha probably true:happy:
  • zombiesama
    zombiesama Posts: 755 Member
    You should run with a sword in your hand that has some blood on it. I'm sure people will move out of your way and not be an annoyance.
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    Wow OP is your alias Sheldon Cooper?.... Pretty ridiculous complaint, heres a solution buy your own track and then set your own rules, in the mean time get off your high horse, its a public place go with the flow
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    Also most regular people at the track dont know "rules" this is where people tolerance comes in. And usually people with kids like to take their kids to the track cause its fenced in not cause they want to inconvience others. If going around people os such an inconvience for you go get on a tread mill

    Eta: you obviously dont have kids