Back to basics

Hi! I'm doing low carb and wanted to track after taking a two year break. I lost 140 pounds 3 years ago with keto and have kept most if it off since I stopped tracking. But I want to loose what I gained back so I'm back to the basics! Looking for accountability partners!


  • ladyamparo77
    ladyamparo77 Posts: 11 Member
    I'll send you a request!!
  • IndyFitAgain
    IndyFitAgain Posts: 67 Member
    Congrats on your loss three years ago! That's tremendous!

    It's funny how we deviate from the basics a little here, a little there and how far we get off track. I just started back in after gaining everything I had lost before the holidays and, well... I'm back to the basics too! 😄
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I go through this with new clients all the time. So you gotta ask yourself, if your previous plan worked so well, then why did you abandon it? Because a plan should be one that you uptake and can do for life. If you're only doing low carb to lose weight, I can pretty much guarantee that IF you don't continue to do low carb after you reached goal, YOU'LL LIKELY REGAIN once you start adding carbs back into your regular diet again.
    While a calorie is a calorie, carbs are a macro that needs extra water (unlike protein or fat) to be utilized to store in your cells at a ratio of 4:1. Meaning for every one gram of carb you store, 4 grams of water are needed to store it. It's why so many people lose a pretty big amount of weight initially when uptaking low carb/keto programs and also why there's a big fluctuation if they ever go back.
    I would encourage an eating program that you would be satisfied doing the rest of your life. Because if it's something that you actually LIKE to do, you're more likely to stick to the parameters of that particular eating program rather than indulge because it's been restricted from you.
    Now I do know some people who can just do low carb/keto for the long term, but those I do know were either insulin resistant or diabetic.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
