Epilepsy and exercise

I have epilepsy and occasionally have the odd full seizure. This leaves me wiped for 3-4 days. I sleep the first day or so, depending on the severity of the fit. It leaves my body aching like I've done a full workout for days after and I just don't have the motivation to do any exercise for days after and then it makes me feel set back again. Anyone else get this?


  • AmyE26
    AmyE26 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi, I have epilepsy but I no longer have full seizures, I have complex partial seizures. Don't feel guilty about not doing exercise, or if you can face it and really want to exercise,just go for a short walk it doesn't really matter though, I know how the tiredness feels after having a seizure though, don't even want to sit up.
  • Jayj180894
    Jayj180894 Posts: 286 Member
    Thank you. It is such a drain and you do feel a little knocked back. Thank you though you've made me feel better.
  • mikhnpaitsmum
    mikhnpaitsmum Posts: 119 Member
    Same. Complex partial seizures and after I sometimes conk right out. From a full on seizure i'd need days to recover. No guilty feelings needed.