A bit of a hiccup

stefan121ionita Posts: 21 Member
edited February 2021 in Health and Weight Loss
So I'm recently having a bit of a hiccup.

I have been on a calorie deficit for 4 weeks now , the first 3 weeks have been great I managed to lose 4 kg from 83 down to 79.

-I make sure I add every single thing in my dairy from chicken breast down to olive oil .

-I exercise every day for about 1h , plus I am walking at least 10k steps daily (as I have a dog who needs a lot of exercise)

-I'm at the moment on 2100kcal/day . 25 years old , 180cm and now 80kg

I do not seem to lose anymore weight when on the scales, I mean visibly I have lost fat and gained muscle mass but the scales are not showing less kg's. I am very strict with the calorie intake I was thinking to eat 100-200kcal less but it would seem to be to much of a deficit.

Is it because I workout and I build muscle mass and thats why I'm not losing anymore weight or ... ?

Any ideas ?c7xockz81zm9.jpg


  • stefan121ionita
    stefan121ionita Posts: 21 Member
    You're absolutely right, it doesn't matter what the scales are saying I just thought it was something going wrong.

    I know it's a long process and not linear at all , I'm fully committed into waiting and seeing results later down the line.

    Thank you for reminding me what a long but rewarding journey this is and especially for taking a bit of your time to reply :)