Protein supplements

Hi all.

I'm just over 5ft6 and weigh 142lbs. In Jan of this year I dropped 7lbs by cutting calories to 1200 a day for 1 month, then lost a lot more slowly for the next month or two to go down to 132lb.

I then started a new (miserable) job that I was at for 6 months. I piled all the weight back on with comfort eating, feeling depressed and horrible and slowly beginning to hate my body more and more. I developed quite severe body dismorphia. Anyway, this isn't a sob story, I quit the job and am trying to get back to where I felt really good before, at about 132-134lbs.

I'm hitting the gym 2/3 times a week, running 5k and doing some kettlebell/weights and occasionally zumba. Do you think a high protein, low calorie supplement shake would do me any favours in the weight loss section? Looking at shakes which are about 180cal and 30g protein per serving to have post-workout with a (really) light lunch to take me to about 350cal for lunch.

HOWEVER. I've not had much luck with the weight budging in the past 3 weeks or so despite having pretty low calorie intake (averaging about 1600, not including exercise calories)

Can anyone give a bit of advice on what I could do a bit differently, or do I just need a bit more patience? Thanks in advance.