New Comers, Add Me As A Friend!

Hi there,
I've been on MFP for nearly a year now, and it is definitely an eye opening experience. Instead of just eating the food, i am able to analyze food and understand what i am putting in my body. So far, i've lost 70 lbs! You can do it too. I will tell you the first few weeks or even month is very tough, but once you get in routine, its amazing that you can change so quick and become a new and better you.

Add me as a friend if you need support, and someone to chat with if you have questions or just need some encouragement. I get discouraged too, even after losing 70 lbs! i know that its tough for new comers to come in and find their place here, but the MFP community is excellent and very open and helpful to anyone here with a desire to get in shape and stay healthy.

Add me!!!