Feeling binge-y

I am feeling extra hungry today. I want to binge on anything/everything! I know that a snack will not help because it isn’t really hunger, I don’t know what it is. Does anyone else feel like this and what do you do to keep from binge eating when you do?


  • mizpleasant
    mizpleasant Posts: 1 Member
    Story of my life! LOL
    I find that eat when I am bored and my mind/fingers are not moving.

    I often will brush my teeth so I don't want to eat - I can't stand the taste of things after I brushed my teeth, so yes, that means some days my teeth get brushed 6 times! LOL
  • pwmsmc23
    pwmsmc23 Posts: 81 Member
    Sadly most of the time I give in and then have to go twice as hard for my next workout. I'm a firm believer you have to give in sometimes. But hey that might just be me.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,193 Member
    I sip warm water or make Crystal Light
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,257 Member
    Drink lots of water, and stay out of the kitchen. Eat fruits and veggies if you must eat. And review your diet to make sure you are getting plenty of fiber to help you feel full.
  • nookicky
    nookicky Posts: 16 Member
    I find I feel super bingey when I am either bored or sad. Getting up and doing something active usually helps, like going for a walk, painting, or singing. I'm not always able to suppress the binges, but I have found that these things do tend to help!
  • DezYaoified
    DezYaoified Posts: 143 Member
    Honestly when I get a bad craving, I will limit myself to 1 day that week to take care of it. I hesitate to call it a cheat day because I feel a cheat day takes the accountability/blame away from me. If I put it off too long, I will binge for a few days and feel super guilty. Now, when a craving starts getting bad, I’ll think about it for a few days to make sure it’s not going to pass or just emotional eating, and then I log it. It seems simple to say but I’ve found that logging my cravings and seeing how many calories I’ve wasted helps me to order a smaller portion the next time. I’ve gone to Chick-fil-A and ordered just 1 nugget because I craved it. I’ve also noticed that just BUYING the item solves the need sometimes. So I’ll buy it and give it away.
  • swiftgirlm
    swiftgirlm Posts: 17 Member
    When I feel that I should fill my body with food when I'm not physically hungry, I say to myself out loud "No, I will not eat something - I am not actually hungry", then figure out what I AM feeling. Often I need to address an emotional need rather than a physical need.