Trying something new this time

Hey everyone! I'm a 30 yrs old female, and I am starting my health journey again and thought I'd try something new by joining a community like this! I have never really shared my WL journey the other times I've done it, so I figured why not try reaching out and interacting and sharing my story with people going through the same thing. I find watching other people transform very inspiring and motivating!


  • fredgonzini
    fredgonzini Posts: 77 Member
    Hi looking to get back at it. Before I gain all my weight back. Feel free to friend request me
  • useyourthorns
    useyourthorns Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome! Old-new here, I used this site years ago quite a bit. It was good then, but its just gotten better. Feel free to add me, I'm looking for more friends on here.