Any shorties here (5-5’3) trying to gain weight?

Anyone here short & underweight trying to gain weight? Haven’t got any friends on this app to be more motivated and accountable. Want some people on my journey so I can stay motivated especially if the reason you can’t gain is inconsistency smh


  • Or any goal you are trying to achieve. Want people who has their dairy set to public so I can see the consistency and be motivated or the inconsistency and still be motivated to know that I am not the only one 😊
  • happyness4me
    happyness4me Posts: 58 Member
    Hi, I'm short 5'2". I'm not gaining right now, I'm maintaining at this time. I'll send a you a friend request.
  • Movemoreguy22
    Movemoreguy22 Posts: 387 Member
    Im 5ft 7, im not underweight well apparently im not (bmi and weight chart) but I think I am and my mates say I am..
    But I give u so motivation if you want to add me up
  • zac296caz
    zac296caz Posts: 8 Member
    I am, im 5'2" and ive been around 115 which is healthy, but i haven't gained any muscles for 2 years... Maybe slimmed down fat or lost it. I want to be more curvier and built. I will be bulking now and sef how that goes with my workouts and cardio. It is hard haha eating but i need to grow my muscles, and ik how to lose weight, so if i gain too much fat. I can cut.
  • ArcticoftheNight
    ArcticoftheNight Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm short (5'0) and trying to get up to a healthier weight. Technically, I'm not underweight now, but because of the amount of exercise I do, I can end up losing weight very quickly, which isn't great. I'm trying to get to an eating habit I can maintain. :smile:
  • spiralarchitect924
    spiralarchitect924 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm tall and skinny haha. I'd be happy to help one another out 😊
  • Silkysausage
    Silkysausage Posts: 502 Member
    5 foot 3, currently bulking at 128 pounds to goal weight of 133. Eating 2100 cals but can rarely get above to an ideal 2200...not much I know but perimenopause and anxiety make it hard to have an appetite.
  • jhepstall
    jhepstall Posts: 12 Member
    I’m currently trying to gain, but this time I’m taking it serious and holding myself accountable for my eating habits. It would be nice to have a gaining buddy 😁